16. Gone

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[Edric's POV]

After what happend on the school field all of us decided to go to the Owl House and get help from the Owl Lady. Mittens also contacted our Sister, who seemed to didn't waste any time. She arrived at the Owl House in a few minutes, jumping of her staff and running over to me, pulling me into a hug.

"Don't worry, Ed. Nothing will happen to him. We will save him." I hug her back and nod slightly.

I mumble a quiet "Thank you." before we walk into the Owl House and explain the situation to Eda, King, Hooty and surprisingly, Lilith who seemed to visit her sister.

"Hunter betrayed the Emperor???" Says Lilith in shock before she starts to fall into laughter. "Finally the little Brat fell of his high road and-" She earns a lot of angry glares, especially from me. I'm sitting on the couch, holding Flapjack in my hands, staring at her. She clears her throat for a moment. "Of course we should save him. Since he's on our side."

All of us sigh quietly and Eda seems to think about it. "It will be difficult. Lily and me both are unable to use our magic. And we are totally out numbered if we want to infiltrate the Emperor's castle."

"We may be outnumbered-" says Luz and she stands up. "But I'm sure we can pull this off!! Hunter is in this because he decided to go against his Uncle's order, because he didn't want to take and fight us!! There has to be a way!" She looks at Lilith. "Lilith, we need a map of the castle!" She walks over to me and kneels down in front of me to look at little Flapjack inside my hands. "Hello little rascal. I'm pretty sure you know many ways to get in and out of the castle, right? You must hide a lot as a Palisman in there." He chirps quietly and nods. Luz smiles determined and she looks up to me. "This will work out perfectly. We may not be many, but all of us are ready."

I look up and I see Willow, Gus, Vinny and Skara smiling at me determined. I see my sisters, Em and Mittens, sitting at a table discussing a plan. I look over to see Lilith drawing a map of the castle with Eda standing beside her, making fun of her drawing skills. I see Hooty and King, talking to all of the Palisman and preparing them for the upcoming 'war'. I look back to Luz, smiling at me encouraging.

"Thank you..." I mumble quietly. "I just...hope he isn't hurt...and that we won't be to late."

"Don't worry, Kid." Eda stands behind Luz and looks at me. "From what I heard, that golden Kid smelled how it feels to be loved and free for the first time. They won't get him down that easily from that. He may be scared and conflicted, but he knows that something is going on."

I look back to Flapjack, rubbing his head on my hand and chirping quietly.

"You're right..."

[Hunter's POV]

Only after a few seconds everything got lighten up again. I take a look around.

I'm at the Emperor's Castle, more preciously, in the throne room

"No!! Edric?!!!" I yell his name, hoping he'd be here with me.

He isn't here. I'm alone.

"Who is Edric?" I hear a familiar voice. No, I'm not alone.

"U-Uncle..." I say, quietly. I slowly stand up, trying to not show my pain.

"Answer my question, Hunter." I gulp nervously. He never calls me by my name. I don't even recall the last time he called me by my name.

"I...a boy..." I mumble quietly, avoiding his glance.

"A boy. And who is that boy?" He sits on his throne, tapping with his fingers on the wood. I don't answer him. I can't.

"Were you with this boy? Is that why you were gone for hours?" He asks again.

"What?? No, I was on a mission yo-"

"Mission?" He interrupts me. "I didn't give you a mission." He stands up while I stare at him in shock.

"B-But Dar-" He interrupts me again before I can finish my sentence.

"ENOUGH." I flinch together. My whole body starts to tremble. "There was no mission for you. You had to stay here, in the castle. Scouts told me that there were multilple times you were gone for hours. They theorized that you left the castle, I didn't wanted to believe them. However today, you were nowhere to be found when all the Palismen we had were stolen. It is your duty to stay here and wait for my commandos." My eyes wide in shock. He uses his staff and in front of me lands my own artifical staff. "You didn't even take your own staff with you. So, you not only went against my order to stay in this castle, but you also left my only way to contact you here. So you better tell me where you went and what you did."

I stare at my staff for a while. I can't believe it. What is going on here? Why did Darius sent me on mission, Uncle didn't give me? Darius said I betrayed Uncle, why isn't he questioning me about that.

"You don't want to talk? Fine." He snaps his fingers and shortly afterwards enters Darius the room. "Lock the Golden Guard into his room and place scouts in front of his door. You will only be allowed to leave the castle if you get my order and you will be accompanied by scouts. However, for the next few days you will stay in your room. Think about your answers to my questions."

"W-What??" Darius used his magic and he picks me up with his abonimation goo. "U-Uncle you can't do that!!! P-Please let me explain!!! UNCLE, PLEASE!!!" I yell even louder and he turns around, facing away from me.

"It's for your own good, Hatchling."

"NO, LET ME DOWN, LET ME GO!!!" I yell even louder but Darius just drags me away. I keep on yelling and after a couple of minutes he places me down in my room.

"Why did you do that??? Why did you lie to him and me??? What is going on here???" I yell, tears forming in my eyes.

"This had to be done, Little Prince. It's for your best to stay away from all of this, but don't worry. We will help you soon enough." He walks out again, locking the door behind him.

"Nonono!!" I run over to the door and try to open it, however it's closed and won't open. "LET ME OUT!!!" I yell, banging at the door with my fist. Tears are rolling down my cheeks and I run over to my window, trying to open it too. However it is also locked shut with magic. I can't open it.

And without neither of my staffs I can't perform magic.

"I-I can't believe it..." I fall to my knees, crying silently. "H-He locked me in...uncle..." I sob quietly and I close my eyes. In my inner eye, I see Edric. Running over to me and trying to save me.

"I-I wish you were here..."

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