31. Sigil

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[Edric's POV]

All of us watch in terror as we see Hunter and King falling of the staff.

"HUNTER!!" An Abomaton holds me in place, I can't run over to him!!!

However, I see both my father and Mittens using their Abonimations to catch them both.

"Edric, go look after him, we'll be fine!" Yells Mittens and she frees me of the Abomaton. I nod a little and I immediately run over to King and Hunter.

"What happened??" I ask shocked and my eyes wide when I see that Hunter's skin is covered by some kind of veins, glowing in a yellowish tone.

King, sitting beside Hunter looks at me and he lifts Hunter's Hand. "It started here!!" Says King and he points at Hunter's Emperor's Coven sigil. I stare at it in shock. Hunter's whole body trembles, the veins continue to spread over his body, making him unable to move.

"Hunter!!" I shake him a little at his shoulder and he looks at me. That look in his eyes. Never did I see that terried, painful and deadly scared look in his eyes. "D-Don't worry, you'll be fine!!!" King stays by Hunter's side and he looks up to me worried. I stand up and turn around to see Kikimora and her scouts walking over to us.

"Stop it, you're hurting him!!!" I yell at her.

"Well, it wouldn't have to hurt if he would've just come with us." Says Kikimora. "Go grab him." She commands the scouts and they walk over to us. I look around, they are about to surround us.

"Over my dead body..." I turn around and pick up Hunter from the ground. "King!!!" I yell while running away, carrying Hunter bridal style.

"On it!!" Yells King and shortly afterwards he uses his sonic shout to kick all the scouts away.

"Flapjack!!" I call for the red cardinal. He flies in front of me and I sit down on him, we fly over to King and I pick him up.

"Let's go!!" I fly away on that staff when I see Kikimora standing on an Abomiton.


She stopped when the Abomaton suddenly grabs her. I stop on the staff and King and I look over to her suprised. What happened, we were about to flee.

My father steps forward, holding the remote for the Abomatons in his hand.

"You better stop that spell on that boy or I'm gonna crush you right here, right now." Says Father and I take a short look at Hunter. The veins spreaded out on his whole body, his eyes are closed and he's almost not breathing amymore.

I look back to them and Kikimora sighs quietly. We land again and I gently place Hunter on the ground. Those veins disappear and Hunter opens his eyes, gasping for air.

"Hunter!!" Yell both King and me relieved and I help him to sit up. I look back to father to see that he catched Kikimora and her scouts in his Abonimation goo. With one hand moved he threw them away, almost over the whole city.

"It's over, Odalia." Says father and he turns around to look at mother. The others gathered beside father and after a while she sighs quietly. "Fine, then perish with the rest of the unworthy." Before we knew she disappeared.

Everybody run over to us and they look at Hunter worried.

"Hunter, are you alright?" Asks Luz while Hunter steadys his breath and nods a little.

"Yeah..." he mumbles before taking a short look at the sigil on his arm. "That was...horrifying,"

Father takes a short look at his own coven sigil before he helps Hunter to stand up. "Glad you are alright, Kid. I know all of you would like to rest now, but it won't be save to stay here." Says father and I nod.

"It won't, but we know of a save place we can go to." Hunter looks at me and he nods.

"Then, lead the way." Says Em and we all start to
make our way.


Darius, Eber, Raine, Eda and Lilith are in the main room when the entrance opens and a group of people walk in.

"Oh, that must be-" All of them look up in shock when they see the battered kids. And Hunter, being carried by father on his back.

"Alador??" Says Darius shocked and he looks at the coven head a little suprised.

"Oh, Darius. You're also a part of this." Says father and he turns a little around to reveal the weakend Hunter on his back. "He's exhausted but fine. Everyone else has only a few wounds."

"Hunter!" Yells Raine while Darius gently grabbed Hunter off fathers back. "What happened?" Asks Darius shocked. Hunter looks at Darius for a moment before looking over to Raine and he points at his sigil.

"No way..." mumbles Raine and they take a short look on their own sigil. "They used it, didn't it?" Asks Raine and Hunter nods. They are probably talking about the spell which affected Hunter's sigil.

Darius carries Hunter and he looks at the others. "Alright, take care of their injuries. I'll take care of Hunter." The adults nod and they start to take care of our wounds.

"It looks like your plan worked out..." mumbles Eda while she bandages Luz' arm. "But this...this isn't worth it."

Luz looks at Eda surprised. "Eda, those are only small injuries. Nothing bad. We even got the remote for the Abomatons, the mission was successful. "

"But it could be bad." Says Eda and now everybody looks at her. "You are a kid. Not a warrior." She looks around at King, my sisters and me. "None of you are. Neither are Blondie or your two friends from Hexside." She looks back to Luz, finishing her bandage. "The Day of Unity isn't far anymore. And I'm asking all of you for one thing."

All of us look at her suprised, not knowing what to expect. Eber, Raine and Lilith keep on taking care of our wounds, not looking up. It seems like they know what she is about to say.

"Don't engage in the Day of Unity. This is our war."

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