2.25 battle

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We're all together, flying over the streets towards the Collector. He's hovering above the center of the city, spinning around. The closer we get the clearer we can hear his laugh.

We're all quiet as we get closer and he seems to notice us.

"Oh, who's that?" He spins around to us and once he sees us he spreads out his arms.

"Heeeey, you're those five King and Eddie sent away! You look different." He smiles at us, innocently as we all stop some meters in front of him.

"What are you doing here, Collector?" Asks Luz and we all watch him carefully.

"Thank you for asking, I'm here to play!!! Say, you wanna play? I need some players, the old ones didn't really do the job anymore."

We all keep watching him and as he said that our eyes wided.

"What?" Says Willow as the first one. "What happened in the Demon Realm?"

"Ohhhh right, you don't know. Well, let's say our game came to an end. But hey, you didn't miss much, we can now just play here!" He smiles at us, innocently.

We're still flying on the same spot, just staring at him in complete shock. Beneath us the city. Everybody watching us. There are people, watching and filming. Police and military forces preparing an attack.

We couldn't care less about all of them.

All the people we care about. They are gone. The Collector didn't hesitate with Uncle.

They are dead.

It's not like we didn't thought about that possibility. No, it's the opposite. We started to accept that possibility as the reality. But now, hearing it. Knowing it's real. I guess we still had a little hope.
Well, not anymore.

We all had different reactions to what he said. Some angry, some sad, some desperate.

But I know there's one thing all of us felt in that moment:


And that feeling turned out to be true when all of us dashed forward on our staffes and we all launch attacks at him.

"Hey, is that necessary?" Says the Collector as Amity, Willow and Gus attack him with magic, I jumped onto Gus' staff and I use Flapjack to attack him while Luz and Vee try to knock him down.

Sighing quietly the Collector disappears in front of us and all our attacks hit the air.

"Come on guys." He reappears behind us. "You know this is pointless." We all turn around to him, ready to attack again.

"Fight us!!!" Yells Amity desperately and we all dash forward again. Once again, he disappears and reappears behind us.

"Fine, I'll fight you. I'll even do you a favour." Confused we look back to him and we see him flying down to the surface. We watch him surprised and immediately follow him. Once he lands on the ground, all the people run away, the militar and police back away. Shortly afterwards the six of us land on the ground and we stand in front of him.

"We'll fight. If you win, I'll leave this world. If I win, you'll let me play my game." He says, now kind of bored.

We all exchange some looks and then we prepare ourselves to fight the Collector.

"Kids, leave the area now. We will take care of the alien!" We suddenly hear a voice talk over speakers. We turn around to see the military all weaponed up.

"You should leave this to us. You're no match to him." Says Luz, talking to the people. The others back her up and while they are talking I look back to the Collector who's just standing there, smiling widely.

"Tell me..." He looks up surprised as I start to talk to him. "Can you reopen the Portal?"

For a while he just stares at me before tilting his head a little. "Why would you want to go there?"

"If they are...all gone..." I mumble quietly, catching the attention of my friends behind me. "Someone has to take care of...their remains. They deserve it." My friends all look at me worried, but my glance is glued to the Collector.

"Why aren't you screaming at me? Why are you so calm? I took everything you loved." Asks the Collector calmy. I take a short look at the ground before I look back to him.

"Because...when I was still the Golden Guard, I also took things from people. Don't get me wrong, I'll still fight you and I won't forgive you, you're a monster. Like I wouldn't forgive myself if I was one of those persons I hurt back then. I guess...I kinda relate to you. I was once a monster too. But other than you, I realized my mistake." My friends all stand beside me and I feel Gus placing a hand on my shoulder. I take a short breath and I give Gus a little smile before I look back to the Collector.

"No, I can't. Without Titan's Blood I can't reopen the Portal." Answers the Collector my previous question and I give him a short nod.

So they won't get the honorful rest they'd deserve.

And the Collector, he sounded so...normal. There wasn't that kind of joy in his voice like before. What's going on?

I take a deep breath and I lift my staff into the air. "Alright. You're going down." I say and we all prepare ourselves for the fight.

The Collector keeps staring at us for a moment before a smile appears on his lips and he lifts a hand

"Can't wait to see that."


"Look out!!" Yells Amity behind me. I turn around and I dodge with Flapjack's help the Collector's attacks. Breathing heavily I look back to the others. The fight has been way too straining, they were hit too many times and they are out of power. The five of them are sitting on the ground, breathing heavily and watching me fight the Collector. With Flapjack's help, I was able to dodge most of his attack, but my energy is also about to run out.

"You're still not finished yet? You remind me of someone." Says the Collector in front of me. He turns around and looks towards the crowd. "Anyway, I guess it's time we finally start the game."

My eyes wide in shock and just when he's about to raise a hand into the air, I grab a rock and throw it at him.

"Hey! This fight is not over yet! I'm still standing!!" I yell, strengthless. I'm not about to give up that easily. Not with everything on the line. Not after what happened in the Demon Realm. Not with all their sacrifices.

Slowly, the Collector turns around again and his feet start to get off the ground. He flies a little into the air and he stares down at me, angrily.

"You still wanna fight? Fine." He lifts his hand into the air and some rocks start to gather around him. "Then I will end this for real this time."

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