2.12 Enemy

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So, by now some more people came to our Coven. We were pretty surprised, there were more people then we thought. We didn't expected anyone to really join our Coven, so we were really happy to see some people.

And someone who completely took us by suprise. A coven scout called Steve joined us, looks like he had a good bound with Lilith. And apparently even with Hunter. So, it's good to have another strong fighter on the team. He also brought some Basiliks with him, said he freed them from the Emperor's castle, so they are also on our team now.

Anyway, by now Lilith returned with Hooty and they placed down the empty Owl House. We didn't had much time to prepare a plan or something, so for today we're gonna have to rush in and try our best.

One half of our Coven gathered in the entrance and we're all looking at each other determined.

"Welcome dear Covens to the 7th game of the Owl House!! Today with the tribute of the new Coven, the 'Bad Girl Coven'!!! Alright, let's begin! The Owl House, Game 7 starts..."

I take a deep breath and we all prepare ourselves to sprint into the forest.


The Collectors announcement ends and we all run into the forest and we immediately split up, searching for our first flag.

More and more time passes. By now, we're using crow phones to keep contact with each other.

"Has anyone found the flag yet??" I yell, jumping through bushes and looking around.

A collective no leaves the phone, causing me to grunt quietly.

"This can't be, it has to be somewhere!! Keep searching!!!" Says Eda and that's when we suddenly hear the announcement go off again.

"Ding, ding, ding!! Eight Covens found their flags!! The only Coven to not find their flag was...the newly formed Bad Girl Coven!! The Bad Girl Coven is now a part of the Owl witches and will try to take all of you down! Well, as long as you don't take each other down, that is. The other two flags are inside my precious Owl House, come get them!~"

The announcement ends and I take a short look at my red shirt, loosing it's color and turning gray.

"How could that happen???" Says Lilith and I gulp nervously.

"Are you searching this?" I turn around shocked only to see Terra Snapdragon and her teammates. She lifts up one hand and she shows me a specific flag in her hand.

"You took our flag???" I yell, not believing this.

She laughs quietly and drops the flag on the ground. "Oh well, guess it's too late. And what did you expect? You're already getting special treatment because the Collector likes you." She walks over to me, smirking. "So, we're gonna do anything to hold your team back and win this." She turns around again, stepping on our flag and walking away, laughing.

"Edric, what is happening on your side?" Asks Raine, calmly.

Growling quietly I take a short look at our flag on the ground.

"We have more enemies then we would've thought."


"That. Was. Horrible." Says Vinney, dropping to the ground along with the rest of us.

"They completely targeted us, how is that fair??" Adds Skara exhausted and we all sigh.

"Don't worry, Kids. They can't target us forever." Says Steve, helping us up along with some other adults.

"Alright, if anyone is injured, please follow me!" Says Em, just as exhausted as the rest of us. However, we don't have that many healing magic users on the team, so all of them have to their part.

Some of our teamates get up and they follow Em, Vinney and a handful more witches to a tent.

"This turned out even worse then imagined..." mumbles King, being carried by Eda.

"Well, we still have to become a real team. Other than them, we can all rely on each other. Their teams won't come far if they aren't working together. Well, except in fighting other Covens." Says Darius and we all look at each other.

"But how long is that supposed to go on? How long are we supposed to play that game?" Says Professor Hermoncupis, thoughtfully.

"Well...if we want it to end...we gotta play on." Says Eda, looking at King in her hands. "It's our only chance to stop this. And our best chance to reopen the portal and get them back. We could try to create a portal ourselves, but then we would just throw them back into his chaos. No, they should return to this realm without having to be afraid. "

King looks at Eda and he nods a little. As she said that, I turned away, sighing quietly.

I miss Mittens. I miss Luz, Willow and Gus.

And I miss him. Gosh, I miss him so much. It hurts.

"Hey, Blight." I look to my side to see Darius who has placed a hand on my shoulder. "Look, I miss him too. So if we want him back, we gotta stay strong and win this game." He just keeps looking into the far. "Heck, without you and lil titan King none of us would even be alive. Neither would he. So, hold on a little longer. You did the right thing and soon enough all of this is gonna be over."

I also look into the sky and I take a deep breath.

"Thank you."

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