29. Home

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[Edric's POV]

So, after helping Eda a little bit, Luz, Hunter and me left the Owl house, on our way to my home aka Blight Manor.

"You okay?" I hear Hunter say as he flies closer to me and looks at me worried. He, once again, put on a robe in order to hide himself, but I can still feel how he looks at me.

"O-Oh, I'm fine don't worry!" I say and I give him a forced smile.

"I think everybody can see that this smile of yours is preeeetty forced." Says King, flying with Hunter on his staff.

I take a deep breath before sighing quietly. All of them take a look at me, Luz who is sitting behind me, leans a little to the side and looks at me worried too.

"Let's just finish this fast." I mumble and we continue to fly.

We arrive at the Blight Manor and I show Hunter, King and Luz the window to my room which they climb through. I follow them, once we're all inside I walk over to the door.

"I'll go get Mittens and Em, wait a moment."I aay before I leave the room. I'm searching for them for a short while but I ultimately find them in Mitten's room.

"Guys!" I say when I enter the room and both look up from the bed to me in shock and disbelief.

"E-Ed , you're alright! We were so worried!" Says Em and Mittens nods agreeing.

"I'm sorry for worrying you. Come on, there's something I gotta show you." Both look at me confused but then they follow me to my room, asking me what is going on.

Once we arrive at my room, I open the door to reveal the persons inside there for them.

"Sweet Potato!!" Says Mittens surprised and she immediately goes over to hug Luz.

"Ohhh, I missed you so much." Says Luz as she hugs her girlfriend.

Em and I, we watch them with a smile when Em notices the little King and then the person disguised in a black rope .

"Who is that?" Asks Em and now Mittens also notices the disguised person in the room. I close my door and I walk over to him.

"Don't worry. Nobody can see you here." I say to him.

We hear a quiet sigh and he pulls off the hood of his face, revealing Hunter under it.

"Hey." He says and looks at my sisters, who stare at him shocked.

"N-No way, how, when?!" Says Em and I laugh quietly,

"It's a long story we will explain later to you. For now, there's something else we gotta explain to you." Says Hunter and both Mittens and Em look at us confused, but listen to us carefully.

{A little later}

So, we're right now trying to find my father in order to tell him about the Day of Unity. As a group, we're running through the Manor on our way to his lab. We're avoiding Abomatons and some Coven Scouts.

"Why are there coven scouts in your house?" Asks Luz and Mittens answers her.

"To control and protect the Abomatons delivery."

We continue to make our way through the Manor and with a little help of magic we're able to arrive at fathers lab.

I take a look through the glass of the door. "It's empty..." I mumble and look back to the others. "He's not here."

My sister look at each other confused. "Where else could he be?" Says Em and just when we wanted to think about it, we hear a voice behind us.

"Well, if those aren't my children sneaking around. What are you doing here, you aren't allowed down here during Deliverys."

All of us turn around and we see our mother standing behind us, looking at us annoyed. Even though she seems even more annoyed when she notices the other three.

"Urgh, what is that pesky human and that dog doing here? And who's that hiding under that ugly hood." Says mother. Amity and Luz look at her, angry, King growls quietly and Hunter pulls his hood deeper into his face. I step in front of Hunter, looking at mother seriously.

"You have to stop the Abomaton Delivery."

"And why should I do that? Why should I listen to you, do even know what kind of fortune we're making with that deal?" Says mother and Emira steps to my side, trying to arguement with her, but er see an Abomaton step in front of us.

"It seems that you children have to learn your place and position again." Says mother and that Abomaton tries to reach out to us. Emira and I gasp in shock, but we feel a hand grabbing us and pulling us with enorm speed away. We turn around surprised and we see that Hunter grabbed Flapjack and pulled us away with his help.

"Come on!!" Yells Hunter, the two of us nod and we run away with him, Amity, Luz and King follow us.

"We have to find father!!!" Yells Emira and I nod.

"You guys go find him-!" Hunter and I stop and we face the Abomaton. "We're gonna try to get hold of the remote!" Finishes Hunter my sentence.

The others nod and they run out, leaving us with Mother and multiple Abomatons.

"Ohh, Edric. You really think the two of you stand a chance against my mighty Abomatons?" Says Mother and we both prepare ourselfes.

"That won't be a problem. We don't have to fight them." Says Hunter and he lifts his staff. "Ready, Edric?"

I lift my hand and create a spell circle, looking at the Abomatons and mother seriously. "Ready."

"GO!!!" Yell both of us and we start to sprint forward.

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