19. Hero

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[Edric's POV]

I am running through the corridors of the castle, following Flapjack. I am passing some scouts, but I couldn't carless. They even called after me but I just continued to run, ignoring them. Since I look like one of them, they didn't seem to follow me.

"Come on Flapjack, faster!!" I yell and he chirps before flying faster through the castle.

[Lilith's POV]

"Urgh, if I could remember which of those windows leads to his room." I mumble quietly, flying around the castle and looking at all the windows.

"Don't worry, Lulu!! I'm sure you will remember!! I will help you, Hoot!!!" Says Hooty, before stretching out and looking through each window, trying to find Hunter's room.

"Thank you, Hootsifer." I say, with a smile while still flying around the castle. "Hopefully, we're gonne find him in time."

[Edric's POV]

A couple minutes later and we finally arrived at
Hunter's room. There were some guards in front of his room, but I created an Illusion of the little woman called Kikimora and I sent them away. I walk over to the door and I knock on it.

"Hunter...? Hunter are you in there...?" I ask quietly. Flapjack sat down on my shoulder and we both listen closely. After some minutes I try to open the door, but it won't budge.

"Hunty, it's me, Edric! The others and me are fine and we're here to rescue you!! If you're in there, open the door!" I say, knocking again on the door. "I will get you out of here! You don't have to fear him anymore, I will protect you from him!!" I say again, smiling widely. I keep listening when I hear something move and then fall to the ground with a thud.

"Hunty?" I ask, once again. Trying to open the door again. "Are you alright?" No answer. I take the door handle and rattle it, trying to open the door. "Come on!!" I say, trying to pull the door open with all my might. Then I try to open it with magic, but without knowing what kind of spell it is, I can't open it.

I take a short look around and I run over to the room next to Hunter's. I open it and take a look inside, it's look like some kind of storage room. I see a window at the other end of the room, I smile relieved and immediately run over to it. I open it and look out, and I see a window to Hunter's room beside me.

"Alright, let's go get him." I say to Flapjack and he chirps happily. With his help I fly over to Hunter's window and to my suprise it's even open. I land on the windowsill and I look inside, happily.

"Hunter, I-" my eyes wide in shock when I see the interior of the room. I climb off the windowsill and I take a step into the room. "W-What happened here..." I say to myself, speechless.

The room is a complete mess. Every furniture is destroyed, they are all laying in the corner of the room on a pile. On the ground are laying multilple books, all ripped apart or also thrown into a corner. I notice some pages with some writing on them, all spread across the ground. While Flapjack flies around the room, chirping in distress, I kneel down and take a look at the handwritten notes.

"This is definitely Hunter's handwriting..." I mumble as I pick up a note.

Why is this happening to me?

Is written on the note and I pick them up, one by one, reading them.

He tricked me, why would he do that?

I miss him.

I disappointed uncle, I don't deserve to live.


What is the truth? Why would they lie?

A Hunter being hunted by his own thoughts.

I feel so lonely. It's so scary. It feels like those walls are slowly closing in on me.

Please be save.

Why can't everything be like before?

Please, reach out one more time to me.

Will uncle ever forgive me?

I never liked the furniture anyway.

Are they worried about me? 

I hope Flapjack is alright.

Do I even deserve his mercy? He should just get rid of trash like me.


I need you, Edric.
Please come save me.

I'm just kneeling on the ground, holding all those notes in my hands. Flapjack lands on my shoulder and he chirps quietly as he taps my cheek with his beak.

"H-He waited for me..." I mumble quietly, just staring at the notes as a tear drops down on them. "And now...he's gone. I...I couldn't protect him..." I whisper as I press his notes to my chest.

"Where are you, Hunty..."

I'm just kneeling there when I hear someone knock at the door.

"Golden Guard, are you in there?" Asks a voice, probably one of the scouts. My eyes wide in shock and I stand up, staring at the door.

"Edric!!" Yells a voice from the window. I turn my head ahocked and I see Lilith and the house demon Hooty outside the window. "Come on, get out of there!!!" Says Lilith while she throws my staff over to me. I catch it with one hand, however, I loose some of the notes. I immediately kneel down again and pick them up.

"Hey, Golden Guard!!! Who's in there with you??" Asks the guard and he tries to open the door.

"Come on, we have to get out of here!!!" Says Hooty, he streched into the room and surrounded me with his body.

"W-Wait!!!" I say, picking up all the notes and stuffing them in my pocket.

The door gets opened and scouts are about to rush in, buuuuut...

"HOOT, HOOT!!!!" Yells Hooty and he smashes with his head into the scouts, causing all of them to fall to the ground. I grabbed all of the notes and I run over the window, jumping on my staff and I fly out of the room over to Lilith. Hooty pulls his head out of the room too and the three of us fly off, with Flapjack following me.

"HEY, STOP BRING THE GOLDEN GUARD BACK!!!" We hear those scouts yell, but I use a restraining spell to summon a rope and tie them up with it.

So, we're luckily able to get away on our staffs.

"Thank Titan..." whispers Lilith before looking at me angrily. "How could you go against the plan?! You brought all of us in danger!!!"

I just keep looking at one of the notes, Flapjack sits on my shoulder and he rubs his head on my cheek. After a while, Lilith sighs quietly and she flies up to me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"We're gonna find him." Hooty looks at me just as worried and he does the same like Flapjack and he rubs his head against my shoulder.

"Where are you, Hunter...?"

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