2.27 play

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Once I arrived at the ground and landed on it, I was immediately surrounded by my family. All saying my name and hugging me worried.

"Hunter, what happened up there, what did he do??" Asks Luz in front of me, shaking me by my shoulders furiously.

"Luz! Don't shake him like that!! He's gonna have a concussion!!" She's stopped by Amity, I feel someone else grabbing my face and pulling it down. Gus pulled my face down to him and he looks at me worried.

"Did he use magic on you!? Is he in your head??? Let me check your head!" He grabs his monocle, but someone else pulls me away from his grip. Now I notice Camila beside me, apparently she pulled me away and now she looks at me.

"Are you alright, mijo?" Asks Camila calmly, but also worried. I give her a little smile and I nod.

"I am." I answer her and everyone around me sighs relieved.

"Thank god..." says Camila and she hugs me gently. "Now, can you explain what happened up there?" Asks Camila and she let's go off me.

"I talked to him." I say, gaining a round of doubtful looks. "He's just...misunderstood. And I understand that feeling. So, I explained to him what he's been doing wrong and said I'd play with him if he's willing to change his behavior. And he seemed to be fine with that."

And once I said that, all their looks changed to unbelieving once. "So...it was really because of the games?!" Says Willow shocked.

I give her a short nod and they all share some looks. "I can't believe it..." mumbles Gus and Amity looks back at me.

"He still...did a lot of harm." Says Amity, a little quieter then usual. "You can't possible just accept him to change. And especially not forgive what he has done."

"I think that he can change. I did so too. And...of course I can't forgive him. But we can't change what he has done either, can we?" I say sadly. I take a short look around, seeing all the people talking and watching us. "Now, I have to go back to him. And you should do some damage control. Explain that the Collector went back to his world and that the danger is gone. And maybe explain what our deal is." They nod and just when I get back on Flapjack, Luz grabbed my hand.

"How can you be so sure he can really control himself? What if he kills you in that game?" She asks looking at me seriously. I give her a small smile.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful. And if something happens I'll go get you." She keeps on holding my arm. I sigh quietly and I pull her into a hug. "Don't worry. You won't loose another brother to him." I whisper into her ear. I hear her sob quietly and she nods. Gently, I let go of her again, I fly into the air and they are all still yelling for me to stay and not go to him. I weave them before flying off on my staff.


A little later I arrive at our home. The little house in the forest we started to live in. I land in front of it. And I'm just staring at the front door. After two years of not knowing what happend in the other realm, we finally have our answer. And it couldn't be worse. I keep staring at the door when I hear some rustling behind me.

Surprised, I turn around and I see some bushes moving. Shortly afterwards the Collector jumps out of the bushes, laughing exictedly. "Foooound me! Now, what are we gonna play???"

I smile a little as he jumps around exictedly. He's afterall just a kid. I let go off my staff, Flapjack transforms back into his bird form, he flies up and lands on my shoulder. "Whatever you want to play. But don't forget, nobody should get hurt, alright?" I say and I watch as he seems to think.

"Mhhhh, oh oh, Hide and Tag! I love that game!" He says happily and I smile a little.

"Sure. If you want to, you can ask Flapjack if he also wants to play." I hold out a hand to Flapjack, he jumps onto it and I hold him out to the Collector.

The Collector looks happily at Flapjack. "You wanna play with us!???" Flapjack chirps and nods, making the Collector even happier. "Yes!! Okay, I start! You two go hide, once I've found you I have to try and catch you, alright?" Flapjack and I both nod, the Collector turns around and starts to count. I give Flapjack a short nod and we both run off to hide ourselves.

{1 hour later}

We've been playing for an hour, maybe a little longer. Either way, I'm done.

I drop to the ground, exhausted and breathing heavily. "O-Okay...timeout. I'm too exhausted..." I mumble. I hear steps running over to me and then the Collector's face appearing above mine.

"What, already??" He says pouting. "We barely even started!"

I laugh quietly and Flapjack lands on my forehead. "Sorry, Collector. Today has been really stressful. I need a break."

The Collector keeps pouting, but I won't fall for that. So after some time he sighs quietly and sits down beside me. "Your kind is so weak..." mumbles the Collector as I just look into the sky. After he pretended to leave this world it turned into it's normal dark blue color.

"Did you play with someone else before? At least that's what I'm getting here." I say, still laying there.

"I did..." I look over to him and I see him looking at the sky. "I've played with the others. The children of the Moon, Sun, Clouds, Comets, Galaxys and many more. Our games were the funniest. Oh, they were the best. One day, we played on the sky plateau above the realm that inhabits the Boiling Isles. Unlucky me, I fell of the sky and landed there. I tried to come back, but the Titan saw me as a threat, so he locked me away. Unable to contact my friends, I was stuck, no way to return home. Millenia passed and once I was set free, I wasn't able to return. My connection to the universe was gone. After a child of the universe is missing for too long without a trace, a new sucessor must be found. And so, I was not a part of the universe anymore, I just wanted to continue the game we started. I miss my friends. They never had a problem with the way I played. They were even rougher than me."

I gulp nervously as I sit up. Even rougher??? Oh titan. I look back to the Collector, I place a hand on his shoulder and I also look at the sky.

"I guess we're both homesick. I'm sorry this had to happen. I wish you had the chance to continue your game." He's pulled his leg to his body, hugging them still looking at the sky.

"Me too."

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