Chapter 3- Alone

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"How does she live in this heat" Connor though, getting up from the sofa. He made his way into the kitchen to get a glass of water. Lingering in Ava's hallway with his glass looking at the pictures held in the many frames. One of Ava at the beach with Sophia, Sophia on her first day of play school, one and one of Ava in hospital holding baby Sophia . A common factor that Connor noticed was they were all of either Ava or Sophia, she had none of friends or family. Connor knew Ava's dad was still alive and living in New Zealand and they didn't have my photos together, but he at lest expected some of friends. Ava had been alone her first year and a bit in Chicago, with very few friends and no relationships that Connor had known of. He figured Ava would have had friends here in South Africa.


Ava had been tossing and turning all night, but not from the heat, she was well used to it. It was her surprise guest, as much as Ava tried not to let it show she was shocked to see Connor before her their. She had known for nearly a week that she was being watched but didn't think it to have been at Connors doing.
Did he still care about her, after all the tears she shed at his words, did she still feel anything for him?
Ava knew she should go back to preform the surgery, it was best for the patient and it would help her relationship with Connor. Try settle things civilly, once and for all. The risks that came with going back to Chicago played on a loop in her head. She had only been back once in the last three years, and even then she wasn't safe.

Ava sighs pulled herself out of bed, pulling a cape around her shoulders. "This us to much to be thinking about this late at night" she groaned to herself.
Ava made her way to the kitchen, getting herself a glass of water and yesterday's newspaper. Sitting on the counter she began sipping and scribbling away, filling in the old crossword.
"Three down, four letters.." she whispered to herself.
"You used to do that when you couldn't sleep" Connor says in a hushed tone from the door way.
"Christ Connor, don't scare me like that" Ava hissed at him, keeping her voice down as to not walk Sophia.
"Was admiring the photos in the hall, you seem happy" Connor smiled
"I can't sleep in this heat, do you mind if I have a crack at it" Connor nodded to the newspaper.
Ava got off the counter and pushed the paper into his chest. "I'll do the surgery" she breathed, disappearing down the hall into her room

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