Chapter 6- Gossip

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Connor had enjoyed talking to Ava on the phone again, she had changed her number after leaving Chicago.
"Ava" Connor smiled as she came into the break room.
Ava walked past him to her locker without acknowledging him.

"Ava?" She looked tired and stressed as she scrolled through her phone, pulling up an article.
"Gaffney's Physio physician returns" the titled read, attached with an image late last night of Ava leaving the hospital.

"I though the hospital was keeping my return on the down low to avoid this kind of publicity" Ava sighed turning on the coffee machine. "I don't know how they found out Ava honestly"
"Well clearly someone's told the papers, I doubt they've been stationed outside the hospital for the last three years wait for my return" Ava said sarcastically.
"At lest your wit is as sharp as ever" Connor reminded her as she took a sip of her coffee.
"Did you give out my number to anyone?"
"No, why would I" Connor asked furrowing his brows in concern for Ava, she'd only been back four days and already had to put up with this.
"It's noting really, I just got some-"
"Dr.Bekker incoming!" One of the nurses shouted into the doctors lounge.
"I have to go" Ava breathed running after the nurse.


Connor had rung the magazine company to figure out who had leaked the information that Bekker was back. Since most people had seen the article by now the was no point hiding Ava on the CT floor, and she was cleared to work in the ED again.
"Ava, it's good to have you back hun. Treatment 2" Maggie smiled. As much as some of her old colleagues had tried to act normal around her, Ava could still catch the stares and whispers. She had gotten in to a habit of parking in the over flow car park around the back of the hospital so she could sneak Sophia in and out in the mornings. Knowing her presence would only worsen the situation.
Ava walked into treatment 2 to meet Natalie who seemed shock to see her.
"Oh, and this is.."
"Dr.Bekker cardiothoracic surgeon" Ava nodded to the patient
Ava accessed that their was a murmur in the mans heart and he was sent upstairs for treatment.
Ava threw her gloves in the bin and sanitised her hands before walking out of the room.
"Ava" Natalie called after her rubbing her hands.
"I didn't realise you were back how are you?"
"Yeah I've been back nearly a week now for the conjoint twin surgery, they were hiding me up in CT to avoid any bad press. But my return seems to have been leaked regardless so I'm allowed come down to the Ed to work" Ava said going over to one of the computers.
"It's great to see you back, we'll have to go out for drinks some time, me, Maggie, April, and you" Nat smiled at her.

"It'll have to be soon I'm flying back to South Africa in two weeks, congratulations on the marriage by the way"
"That's a shame, but we'll figure something out" Natalie called back to her as she went to go treat a patient that had just been brought it.

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