Chapter 14- Bar Talks

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Connor had worked for an hour, stopping Ava's bleeding and repairing her artery. She was still in hospital and sedated. The man looking for drugs had ran down the stairs after stealing a scalpel, intending on threading someone with it for drugs. He ran into Ava who refused to open the door with her swipe card to let him into the hospital. As a result he slashed her in the thigh, breaking the blade off in her leg. Ava had been down for five minutes before he had found her.

Connor had found his way to Mollys, wanting a night cap after operating on Ava.
"Hey man" jay said taking the bar next to him, placing a hand on Connors back.
"How's Ava doing?"
Connor sighed, his shoulders sinking lower, "Good yeah, I repaired the artery, she still sedated but their should be no long term damage"

Jay nodded, looking at the table in front of Connor, "Connor I think you've hand enough"
"She could have bled to death, again, because of me" Connor stated grumbly.
"Connor this was no ones fault, it was just cruel timing that she was in that stairwell"
Connor looked deeply into his empty glass before remembering that morning.
"What where you and Ava arguing about this morning" Connor questioned, Turing towards him.
"Nothing man, we had a difference of opinion" sighed putting his hand back on Connors shoulder.
"Why did it take PD so long to get on the scene if you were already in the hospital"
"I was in a meeting Connor" Jay defeated
"If you'd had gotten there sooner Ave wouldn't be in a hospital bed" Connor spat coldly, shrugging Jays hand off his shoulder.
Jays face fell before him, "That's not fair Connor and you know it"
Jay pulled back from him before Connor continued his rant.
"What even happened with you two, I mean you were friends, you don't speak for two years now your arguing...." Connors voice trailed off as he felt his blood run cold and sobriety wash over him. "Your Sophia's farther aren't you" Connor whispered looking deep into Jays eyes.

Jay looked away from Connor running his had through his hair.
"You son of a bitch" Connor slurred getting up and leaving.
Connor began to walk home in the cold Chicago air. He was nearly a half a block away when he heard jay calling after him, but he just trudged on into the night.

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