Chapter 20- Not as it seemed

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It was 9pm by the time Ava made it home, letting herself into the apartment, most of the lights were switched off. "Connor" she called softly, seeing his head pop up from the sofa.
"You should have called me to pick you up from the station" he said coldly getting up.
"I didn't want to draw anymore attention to the situation"
Connor got up off the sofa but walked swiftly past Ava, going to the over and pulling out a reheated shepherds pie. Ava walked over to join him at the counter before he breezed part her. "Your colder than a Chicago winter tonight" Ava joked looking over to him.
"What's wrong" she asked being to worry.
"I received an email tonight Ava" Connor said blankly into his glass.
Ava felt her blood run cold, "The video"
"So that's why they called you in"
Connor looked up at her, the same pain in his eyes that she saw in that video.
"Ava did you kill my farther"
"Connor" she gasped in horror, feeling tears prick at the back of her eyes.
"How many times do I have to tell you that I didn't kill for farther before you believe me" she hissed.
"Ava did you kill my farther" he asked coldly again, they only emotion being kept in his eyes.
"No Connor, god I feel like I've gone back to three years ago" she gasped desperately, rushing into the other room. This is the third time this night she'd been accused of murder.
"Ava don't you run away from me" he called after her.
Ava stopped dead in her tracks and turned back to the living room.
"Your right" she chuckled calmly, "I'm not running away again, because I know I didn't kill your farther. I don't know who did and I don't know why, but I know it wasn't me" she said stepping towards him, pointed a finger at Connor.
"Then what are doing in this video" he shouted to her.

"Mama" A sad voice came to break the silence, tears were streaming down Ava face as she turned to the sound. "Sophia baby" she whimpered rushing over to her.
"Why is dada crying"
Ava soothed her rubbing her back, "Nothing's the matter sweetie, mommy and daddy are just being silly" Ava cooed kissing Sophia's hair, looking over to Connor.
She disappeared into the other room to get Sophia settled again.
Ava returned minutes later, "Goeie nag*" she called down the hall to Sophia.

Quietly she came back into the living room, silently seating herself on the sofa with Connor.
"Like I explained to the police, you can clearly see the vile cap is yellow. Not blue. So it was morphine that I was putting into his IV, like I was meant to being doing for his treated plan that should have worked flawlessly" She angrily whispered at him as to not wake Sophia for a second time.
Connor looked to his laptop again, glancing up at Ava when he realised his mistake.
"But their claiming this could have been the only time in insulin got into his IV" Connor whispered back at her.
"Well then their wrong, okey I don't know what else to tell you Connor" Ava sounded helpless.
"Why didn't you tell me this" he said loudly
"Keep your voice down your scaring my daughter"
"Our daughter" he corrected her.
"Oh yeah, we'll where we're your for the past three years. Besides accusing me of murder and of seducing you're farther, and then dragging me and Sophia back to his god forsaken city. Only to cause me of murder for the umpteenth time. He came onto me Connor, but every time I shut him down because I wanted to be with you" Ava hissed at him.

Connor sat their stunned, she was right, they had this exact conversation three years ago that ended in tears as well. And there they are, three years on with a child now still bickering over the same things.
"I didn't think I'd need to tell you every single step of my treatment plans" Ava sighed getting up from the sofa.
"I'm sorry Ava" Connor frowned
"Just get out" she said, putting the pie back in the oven.
"I'm not leaving you and Sophia alone when there's some creep following you and sending you threats" Connor told her.
"Fine but your sleeping on the sofa"
"You should eat, it was a long surgery" Connor said softly going over to her.
"Oddly enough murder accusations really spoil my appetite" Ava informed him without looking at him, before slipping past him to her bed room.

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