Chapter 8- Black out

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"Connor" Ava said running into him at the coffee stand. This was getting to be her favourite part of the day, running into Connor, the most familiar and stable part of the day.

"Morning, how are you and Sophia doing, still adjusting back to American life" Connor remarked as they walked away from the cart. "Ah yes, did so miss the smell of the river in the morning, nothing will wake you up like that. Sophias well, she's loving the day care, she's met Owen, but obviously I have mentioned that to Natalie"
The pair had a good bit of time to kill before their shifts so they sat by the hospital entrance.
"The girls invited me out for drinks sometime next week as well, which will be difficult given my secret child" Ava joked, feeling at ease being able to talk to Connor about Sophia.
"I could watch her one night if you want?" Connor offered.
"No, no ,no I can't ask that much of you, besides in not off for another week"
"We need to do notes on the surgery and discuss how we're going to do this" Ava told him, changing the subject away from Sophia.

"I was going to suggest we go for drinks, maybe dinner instead?" Connor suggested.
"Rhodes" Ava grumbled.
"Just dinner" Connor threw his hands up in defence "You can come over to mine and we'll discuss it"
"Okey, I'll bring the wine" Ava agreed, nodding and finishing her first coffee of the day.
"Now who's the suggestive one" Connor laughed as they got up to head inside.
Ava hadn't relished how much she missed Connors banter until she heard it again. As much as he had hurt her three years ago, she could never hate the man stood next to her. Ava knew the accusations of her sleeping with Connors where faceless, coming from a place of revenge that had little to do with her. After everything she still cared deeply for Connor.


Ava wasn't comfortable leaving Sophia with a sitter when she went to discuss the surgery with Connor, so she dropped her off at one of her few Chicago friends house, Sharron Goodwin.

"Sophia" Goodwin gushed, taking her from Ava's arms. "Oh you've gotten so big since the last time I saw you"
"That you so much for this Sharron, I didn't realise how hard to would be to juggle everything once I came back to Chicago" Ava sighed.
"Anything for my god baby Ava, it takes a village after all" Goodwin nodded, holding Sophia on her hip.
"I'll be back by 9, she has all her food, books, changes of clothes, everything she could possibly need in her bag"
"Don't worry about her, go enjoy yourself, talk things over with Connor" Sharron said placing a hand on Ava's shoulder.
"It's just work talk, Goodwin"
"Sure it is, have fun" Sharron winked closing the door.

Ava arrived at Connors apartment 20 minutes later, bottle of wine in hand.
"Ava' Connor said giving her a brief but tight hug.
Ava came into his apartment and placed the bottle on the kitchen island. It was more or less the same as when Ava was last here, only with some pictures and furniture having been moved.
The pair sat down for dinner, Connor had made them a stir fry with prawns.
"I remember you like it" Connor commented, nodding at Ava's half empty plate.
Ava nodded in agreement, "You made it for me, the day we lost Jason, my CF patient"

Connor had remembered what Ava was like that day, they were meant to go out that night but Connor could see how this had effected Ava. He drove her to his place and got to work making them dinner. Ava sat on the sofa in silence, just staring off into the distance with a defeated look on her face.
After they had ate Connor brought her back to the sofa. "Thank you", Ava whispered in a hoarse tone. He sat their with her in silence, Ava's head against his chest as she let out silent tears.

"We should discuss the surgery" Ava said, steering the Conversation away from Jason.
Conner handed over his tablet, showing her the diagram and notes on the case.
"How are Dot and Rose doing?"
"Good, their learning how to ride a bike. A tandem" Connor smiled leaning back in his chair.
Ava chuckled at herself still reading over the notes.
"What is theirs an issue with the ventricle like with Dot's heart?" Ava probed
"We'll do a patch like with Dots heart to avoid extra cuts"
"That was risky the last time Connor, theirs no way we'll be able to pull it off again" Ava argued, her accent becoming clearer.
"Well will deal with that issue if it arises, it will work" Connor reassured her
"I disagree" Ava said shortly, taking her glass in her hand.

A light pop came over the room and everything went still and dark.

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