Chatpter 49- Getting Nowhere

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After another week of rest and physical therapy Connor was given the all clear to go back to surgery. After getting a fresh haircut and shave, Connor was itching to go back.

Ava opened her eyes groggily, not wanting to leave the warmth of the duvet. Looking up she found Connor sitting up on the bed next to her.
"Good morning" he greeted her, brushing the hair off her forehead to kiss it.
"Were you watching me sleep" Ava yawned, wiping the sleep from her eyes.
"Just watching my gorgeous fiancé at her most peaceful" he smiled, teasingly.
Ava pulled herself closer into him, feeling the warmth from his body.
"Why are you up so early?" She muttered into his side.
"Eager to get back into the OR" he told her, tracing patterns down her bare arm. Connor leaned down to kiss Ava's shoulder, "I'll make a start on breakfast"
Connor got out the bed and left for the kitchen, from the pep in his step Ava could tell he'd been up for a while.
Pulling herself out of bed Ava joined Connor in the kitchen. The moments in between getting up themselves and getting Sophia up were some of the few moments the couple would get together in a day to be alone, and tactical with each other. Between hour long surgeries working on different floors, miss matched lunch breaks and coming home to make dinner as a family; they rarely had time to just be.
Ava snakes her arms around Connor waist, leaning her cheek on the back of his shoulder. Connor didn't say anything, only placing a hand on her's, keeping the other flipping eggs with a spatula. Their were no words passed between them, only simple tactile movement, expressing their love for each other. Moving to stand beside Connor Ava caught his chin between her thumb and index, drawing his attention away from the eggs she kissed him lightly. Connor smiled at the light gesture, feeling even more comfort from the cool sting of Ava's ring brushing his chin. Ava slipped out of his grasp to get Sophia up for the day.


Connor and Ava walked into the ED together. Connor had Ava's bag on his shoulder, refusing to let her carry anything on her own since finding out about the pregnancy.
"I'll be fine carry my own bag, Connor" Ava reminds him.
"I know baby, and in my absence you can do that. But when I'm around I'm doing all the heavy lifting" he told her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
Ava went to her locker to put away her jacket and get ready for the day. Connor hands her the bag and she placed it into her locker before removing her engagement ring to place it securely in its box.
"We better tell people soon before they spot you wearing that" Connor commented from his locker. Ava smiled softly, feelings the cool chill of the metal in her fingers.
"I know, Maggie and April figured it out the morning after our engagement" Ava chuckled, finally putting her ring away.
"But telling people means it gets to the press, and I just want a few more days where it's just us" She told him, going over to him and immediately finding herself in his arms.
"We could tell them this Friday" Connor kissed the top of Ava's forehead.
"At Molly's, yeah. That works" Ava agreed.
"And then we can go home and have some pre-wedding celebrations" She told him, running a finger weightlessly down the neck hem of his shirt.
"I like where your heads at" He told her, bringing his lips to hers. Ava's back was pressed against the lockers in an instant, her hands securely on either side of Connors neck. Connor gasped for breathe between kisses, as his hands chaotically roamed ava's back. Thank god they hadn't gotten to taking any clothes off when the door swung open.

"Sorry to be interrupting things"
Pushing Connor back from her chest Ava looked to the door, "no it's fine Jay" she told him, slightly breathless.
Jay smirked, looking between the two of them, "Will was right, you are like collage students"
Ava smirked and chuckled while Connor shook his head.
"Unfortunately I'm not here for a friendly call" Jay told them, nodding to the sofa they all sat down.
"You never are" Ava said nervously, Connor took her hand, giving it a supportive squeeze.
"We still have no new leads as to who shot Connor" Jay admitted.
Connor felt his chest tighten, right where the scar was.
"It's been over a month" Ava said in shock, "how do you have no one"
"We know that it's someone close to the hospital but we have hundred of current and past staff members. The shooter knew the service tunnel their and that their were no cameras installed yet. They also knew Dr. Rhode's schedule and when he would be in that OR"
"We're working with what he have, something will turn up soon. With this many attacks where looking into organised crime now, and we've increased security around the hospital" Jay explained.
"What about Sophia's abductor" Connor asked, keeping a firm grip on Ava's hand.
Jay shook his head, "We have reason to believe it's the same guys, same goals, to target and harass Dr. Rhdoes family without asking for monetary gain, so this is personal"
Ava shook her head, placing a hand on her belly she felt tears burning in her eyes, "Its been nearly six months, What was the point in us coming back to Chicago if were not going to be safe"
Ava ran a nervous had through her hair, "I should have stayed in South Africa" she muttered to herself.
"Ava, trust me, we're doing the best we can. But these guys are good"
"I know, I know" she whispered desperately, Ava excused herself shortly to go calm down in the bathroom before her shift started. The stress wants good for her or the baby.

The lounge was quite after Ava left, "I should go check on her" Connor told Jay in a hurry.
"Yeah, I'm sorry their isn't more to tell you. I don't know who these guys are but they really have some vendetta against you and your family" Jay shook his head.
"Oh hey, congratulations by the way" he added.
Jay gave Connor a knowing smile, "The baby" he said shortly. "I'm a detective, I pick up on these things, it's my job. She touched her belly while we were talking about the gang coming after your family, she's nervous"
Connor smiled at how easily jay had seen through the situation, "Thanks man"


"Hey baby" Ava greeted Connor as she came into the doctors lounge. It has been a long and trying shift and Ava was ready to head home with her loved ones. Ava kisses Connors cheek, placing a hand on his spare one. "Hi Ave" Connor glanced over to her smiling.
"Long shift?"
"Yeah, something like that" he sighed, closing his locker. Ava picked up her bag from her locker, "Not so fast girl" Connor quickly took the bag and slid it onto his shoulder.
Connor wrapped an arm around Ava's waist, pulling her close.
Connor drove home since Ava was already drifting in and out of sleep. When Ava opened her heavy eyelids they were still driving. She smiled and slid her eyes over to Connor, he was frowning, his arms were tense and his hands were gripping hard onto the steering wheel.
Ava moved a hand onto Connors knee, "The steering wheel isn't going anywhere, Cowboy" she told him sleepily.
Connor kept his eyes on the road but smiled at Ava's remark. Natalie has already picked up Sophia for them so they picked her up from Nat's house. After getting settled in the house Ava was making dinner for them with a mug of fruit tea, it has been a long shift.
"How was Jay? I'm sorry for leaving you this morning, I just had to get out of there" Ava said, turning from the counter to face Connor on the sofa.
"It's fine, Jay understood and he's doing good" Connor said emotionlessly.
"Any interesting patients today?" Ava probed, taking a sip of her tea, they did work on different floors after all.
"No" he replied shortly, shaking his head.
"What's up with you Connor, you've been in a weird mood since our shift ended"
Connor met her eyes, a look of desperation in them, "Do you wish you hadn't come back to Chicago? That you'd stayed in South Africa with Sophia" He asked.
"Without me?"
Ava jumped off the counter and put her tea down, hearing the hurt in his voice.
"No, no baby" She said getting close to him. Throwing herself next to him on the sofa she placed a hand on his shoulder, "what made you think that"
"This morning Ave, you said you'd have rather stayed in South Africa. You questioned why you ever even came back here" he reminded her.
In that moment Ava realised the power of her words, to her staying in South Africa meant they'd be safe, to Connor it meant she'd live without him, that she didn't need him.
"No, baby that's not what I meant. I was angry, I don't want to be without you. I want to be with you, and our family, without this perv stalking us" she told him, taking his face in her hands to force him to look at her.
"Connor I love you immensely and I am never leaving you, okey?" She kissed him lightly.
"Okey" he muttered against her lips, pulling her onto his hips to straddle him. Connor wrapped his arms around her, wanting to keep her close.
"I love you baby" He said between kisses.
Connor smiled, breaking their kiss, "What?" Ava asked, seeing the grin on his face
"Nothing" he kissed her swiftly, "you just taste good, that's all"
Ava rested her head in the bend of Connors neck, "the tea" she said softly.
Connor hummed lightly before letting her go and getting up to help with dinner himself.

A/n: Guess who managed to get a stomach bug first week back at school 🙄
Plenty of time to write now though 📚

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