Chapter 37- Reacquainted

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Ava clung to Sophia, not wanting to let her go.
"Bye-bye, Sophia. Your going to have a great time" She kissed her daughter's head. Connor wrapped his arms around his girls, kissing Sophia's head and placing a supportive hand on Ava's back. Putting Sophia down she bolted through the school gates, spotting all the new kids. "Come on, Ave, it's just a practice day to get the kids settled" Connor kissed Ava's temple. Smiling at how fast Sophia seemed to be making friends, she looked up to Connor, smiling. "I know, but that means the first day of school comes next. She's just growing up to dam fast"

Turning away from the school and back to the car Ava whipped some light tears from her eyes. Leaning over to Connor she gave him a light peck on the lip. "I love you"
"I love you too" he replied, returning the kiss.
"You ready for this?" Ava asked uncertainly. Connor didn't reply but started the car and began to drive. "Yeah" he confirmed shortly.

Ava kept her hand on Connor's knee as they drove in silence.
"Did your talk with Hank go okey?"
"Yeah, I brought some things up to him that were on my mind, he said he'd look into them. Do you ever get the feeling that he doesn't like me?"
Ava chuckled softly "Yeah, you weren't exactly his favourite person after he found out about everything. I think he sees me the same way he dose Erin, he treats Sophia like his own. I told him to lay off you" Ava explained.
"Oh that makes sense, it's like meeting the parents" Connor joked,
"Yeah something like that" Ava smiled.

Connor parked next to the columbarium, retrieving the fresh flowers from the back seat. Ava linked her arm in with his, supporting him as they entered the building. Connor led her to Cornelius lot. It was a black plaque with a ring for flowers.

Cornelius Rhodes
"Loving father, friend, and businessman"

Connor replaced the wilted flowers with half of the fresh ones, placing a hand on his farther plaque.
"I'll admit he wasn't the any kind of saint, but I can't believe someone would do this" Connor confessed. "I can't believe I thought you would do this"
Ava placed a comforting hand on Connors arm, not wanting to over step. "You were upset and wanted a logical answer as to why this happened"
"My answer shouldn't have been you. How did you forgive me" Connor shook his head.
"Two years is a long time to stay angry. I haven't forgotten what you did, but I've forgiven and moved on" she told him softly.
"I'm sorry for what I did, and what he did to you" he nodded at Cornelius plaque.
Connor turned suddenly, walking down a few plaques. He silently replaced the wilted flowers of a second lot, Ava followed him down.

Elizabeth Rhodes
"Mother and sister"

Conor stroked the plaque lovingly, smiling to himself. "She would have liked you, from what I remember, when she wasn't in a depressive episode. She would have scolded me for letting you go, and she would have adored Sophia" Connor smiled through the tears running down his face. He knew that his farther would die eventually, and he'd be an orphan, but he never imagined it to be this soon.

Ava kissed his cheek, burying her face in his shoulder as he held her. Connor took out a handkerchief and ran it over his mothers name, wiping away and dust that had settled there and replacing the wilted flowers. He stared at that name for a moment before giving Ava a squeeze. "Come on, it'll be time for pick up" Connor reminded her.


"Okey say night-night, Sophia" Ava say, picking her up in her arms.
"Night-night, mumma, dada"
Connor gave her a kiss on the temple before letting his girls go. Ava got Sophia settled into bed and read her a goodnight story before returning to Connor.

"How are you feeling?" She asked while approaching him.
Connor looked up from the plates he was loading into the dish washer, and smiled, "Better now that your here"
Connor welcomed her into his arms holding her tight. "Forgot how smooth you were" Ava mummered into his neck. Throwing her head back, she smiled to Connor.
"Only for you baby" he winked before kissing her tenderly.
Pushing Connor back Ava stayed in his arms "Seriously how are you doing"
"I'm okey yeah, it was good to visit them. I just want this all to be over with" he brushed his fingers through Ava's hair. "Thank you for being there for me today, that couldn't have been easy for you"
Connor was right, it wasn't easy for Ava to be there. She had nothing against seeing his mothers plaque, but his farther, after everything he had put Ava through, and all the stress he had cause her she still felt sick hearing his name. But at the end, he was still Connors farther.

Connor pulled her in, holding her close to his chest he gave her a sweet, passionate kiss.
"I love you, my cowboy" Ava said into his lips.
"Te amo, Avery*" Connor replied, wrapping his arms lower around Ava's body, pulling her up into his arms.
"Ek het jou lief**" Ava laughed, wrapping her legs securely around Connors waist, feeling safe in his arms.

Kissing each other gingerly after the day that they had, wanting to stay in each others arms and warmth. Laying Ava down on the bed Connor looked down at her. Ava simpered up at him, kissing him tenderly, "I need to get into my pyjamas, Cowboy"
"I could help you with that" Connor suggested naughtily.
Pulling herself into a sitting position Ava kissed Connor quickly before sliding off the bed. Ava pulled a silk nightdress out of her draw and glided into the bathroom.
Connor smiled from the bed, watching her go. Getting up from the bed he went to look in his draw, pulling back several pairs of boxers reviled a ring box. Running a finger softly over the bow, smiling to himself.
"Connor" Ava called joyfully from the bathroom.

"I love you, Avery*"
"I love you*"

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