Chapter 82- Wedding

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Ava woke up and rubbed her eyes, running a hand through her hair. She reached her hand out only to find the other side of the bed empty.
Ava frowned, "Missing me again?" Came a voice from the doorway.
"Always" Ava replied, pulling herself up in bed.
Connor came over and joined her on the bed, checking her colour and temperature. He brought his lips to her forehead "I have the court hour booked for seven"
"We're doing this" she smiled to him.
"We're doing this" he took her hand.

Connor helped her downstairs and placed her in her chair so she could have more freedom. Connor then got the girls up brought them downstairs to have breakfast.
"Hey buba" Ava kissed Sophias forehead.
"Morning Mumma" Sophia waved, sitting herself at the breakfast bar with Ava's help.
"Hi Mel" Ava smiled seeing Connor bringing Amelia over to her.
Ava took Amelia in her arms and gave her a snuggle.
Connor started on breakfast while Ava got ready to feed Amelia. She was afraid at first that she wouldn't taken it or want it, but Amelia cuddle into her chest and the familiarity of it in an instant. Ava stroked her soft cheek while her daughter fed.
"I missed you" she said quietly so only Amelia could hear.

Connor kissed Ava's temple and ran his hand through her hair.
"What will you wear?"
"Something white" she looked up to him.
"Any more detail bedside that?"
"Nope. Can't see the bride before the wedding, remember" Ava grinned up to him.
Connor shook his head and leaned down to kiss her forehead.
"We need to invite people, we need witnesses"
"Anyone from med who can make it?" Ava suggested. "I already invited Maggie, Natlie and April over to help me get ready.
"You want me to get out of your hair then? I can go over to Will's, I mean we are already breaking tradition by seeing each other now"
Ava exhaled shortly, "you're right, I don't want you to go, but it'll be exciting to see you at the courthouse"

Connor kissed Ava's nose, "you sure you'll be okey?"
"I'm sure between Nat, April and Maggie. A Doctor and two nurses, I'll be okey"
"Okey" Connor smiled down to her, Ava returned the smile before it faded away slightly.
"What's wrong Avery?"
"I just realised I don't have anyone to give me away. It's silly, really"
Connor hadn't even thought about that, although he now knew of her stepbrother and her bio father, he knew they were never really family.
"You could ask Hank, he adores you" Connor suggested.
"Yeah, yeah I like that idea" Ava agreed, her smile returning. Connor left Ava downstairs with the girls while he packed a bag for Will's, he choose a black suit that he knew Ava loved him in and out it in a clothes bag.

Connor came back downstairs with his bag and suit, "when's Nat going to be here?"
The doorbells rang cutting him off. Connor answered it and was immediately handed several bags. April and Maggie rushed past him, cheering and talking. Natalie waddled in afternoon them, heavily pregnant.
"They were like this the whole way over" she sighed, trying to take the bags from him.
"No I've got them, you go sit down"
"Such a gentleman" Natalie smiled, walking past him to Ava.
"Tannie Nat" Sophia waves to Natalie,
"Hi sweetheart"

"I can't believe your finally tying the knot" Maggie hugs her.
"And you, mister, need to get out of here" April points to the door. "No seeing the bride before the wedding"
"I'm going, I'm going" he held his hands up.
Connor leaned down to kiss Ava, "Love you Avery"
"Love you too" she replied, kissing him again, knowing it would be hours before she saw him
Connor turned and grabbed his bags, in unison Maggie and April called after him in childish voices "Love you Avery"
Connor rolled his eyes and blew Ava a kiss before closed the door behind him.

"Okey so what are we thinking?" Maggie asked.
"It's a courthouse wedding I have white dress upstairs to wear, and Sophia and Amelia both have white dresses" Ava explained.
"I can grab them?" April suggested.
"Yeah, there all in my wardrobe, I picked them out last night. And there a green pair of earring on my dresser, can you get them as well?" Ava asked.
"Sure" April ran upstairs.
"How have you been making it upstairs?" Maggie asked, fiddling with her bag.
"Uh" Ava glanced to Nat and blushed.
"Connor carries her up the stairs."
Maggie mouth an "aw" at the thought, "who knew America's best CT surgeons were so lovely dovey"

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