Chapter 40- Waiting game

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When Ava woke she felt stiff, with a crick in her neck. Opening her eyes she found Connor in a similar state that he'd been in all night.
"Hey baby" she said groggily, taking his hand.
"You made it through the night. You know what that means, your going to make it all the way" she kissed his knuckles lightly.

Heading up to the CT doctor lounge Ava showered quickly, changing into a fresh pair of scrubs. Just as Ava was about to turn head back down to Connor she felt something turn in her stomach. Running back into the bathroom Ava was sick into the toilet.

What is wrong with me

Ava pulled herself up, washing her face and popping a breath mint before heading back down to Connor.
"Nat what's wrong" Ava rushed in spotting Natalie in Connors room.
"It's okey Ava, his heart rate slowed slightly but it's back up to where it should be" she told her, placing a comforting hand on her arm.
"Okey yeah" Ava breathed, looking at Connors weak body.
"Thank you for taking Sophia for the night, how was she?" Ava asked
"Its no trouble honestly, she seemed happy out. She and Owen played till bedtime"
"Ava did you sleep here?" Natalie asked as Ava sat with Connor.
"Yeah I was too afraid to leave him" Ava told her, keeping her eyes on Connor.
"I don't want to bring Sophia up here until he wakes up, she shouldn't have to see her farther like this, it'll scare her"
Natalie places a supportive hand on her shoulder, "He's strong Ava" she remind him before leaving.

Ava wasn't on call that day, the hospital knew what she had been through so she spent the day still in her scrubs, monitoring any change in Connor's vitals.
April dropped by with a chicken salad for and some water, wanting to know how Connor was holding up.
After April left Ava took a fork full of her salad, chewing it slowly. Looking down at her bowl she checked that it was the same one she normally brought, it's was, but it tasted different.
Brushing it off Ava took a gulp of water as Connor next visitor arrived.
"Hey Ava" Will went straight over to her, hugging her tightly.
"How are you holding up"
He sat with her, reading Connors motors for himself, checking the vitals.
"As, as well as I can be, all thing considered. He made it through the night though"
"Thank you for taking Sophia, I didn't want to leave him" Ava added, taking a few more bites of her salad.
"It's no problem, I'm sorry I couldn't make it up sooner to see him. He doesn't deserve this"
"No, he doesn't" Ava agreed shortly.

"Will dose this smell funny to you" Ava asked holding up her salad,
"No, seems fine" he gave her a puzzled look.
"Yeah sorry, it's just tastes a bit strange, it's probably just stress" Ava brushed it off.
The pair sat their in silence, the only sound being the ventilator breathing for Connor, watching their loved one, hoping for a miracle.
Will pager broke the silence, signalling he was needed else were, standing up suddenly Will stopped. "He loves you Ava, a lot, I just want you to know that"
"So I've heard" Ava chuckled, remembering the story of Connor drunkenly confessing his love for her.

Hours pass and theirs still no change with Connor, "it's shouldn't be expected this early on" Ava reminded herself. Feeling her stomach doing backflips Ava finds herself vomiting in the bathroom again, "what is going on with me"
Opening her eyes Ava jumps at the sight of her bloodied legs, knocking her head against the stall wall. Looking down again Ava finds her scrubs clear of all blood.
Ignoring what's just happened Ava wash her hands after being sick, and then to get the blood off, and the metallic smell, the germs, and once more so they'll catch who shot Connor and then again so Connor will wake up.
Catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror Ava sees her hands and what she's doing. She's been here before, washing her hands to cope with the stress that came with being post military. Drying her hands quickly Ava rushes out of the bathroom.
Wanting to get fresh air Ava finds herself at the top of the OR corridor. Now no longer a crime scene their are surgeons and nurses rushing in and out of rooms fighting to save lives; and there it is again, the sicking metallic smell.
Compelling her legs to move through the corridor, Ava finds her legs rooted in place, unable to move.
"Dr. Bekker, Ava?" She hears as a hand is placed on her elbow. Turning Ava finds Beth, still in her OR scrubs and cap.
"Oh, sorry Beth I zoned out a bit" Ava appoglises, keeping her eyes on the OR door.
"It's everything alright Ava?" Beth asks softly, not wanting the who hospital to be gossiping about Ava.
"Yes, I was just looking for Dr. Charles" Ava stammers, finally tearing her eyes away from the door.
"He's in his office"
"Okey, great, thanks Beth" Ava rushed off into the elevator. Feeling this strange tingling sensation Ava barged into Dr. Charles office.
"Dr. Bekker?" he asked in shock.
Ava stood their, unsure as to what she was doing, or what brought her here.
"I um" Ava began uncertainty.
"I think I have a problem"

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