Chapter 70- Bad Reaction

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"Basterad" Connor cursed, coming down the hall.
"Connor" Ava scolded him, nodding to Amelia who was feeding from her.
"Sorry, sorry" he apologised, sitting on the bed with her.
"I tripped over a rattle"
Ava and Connor were both very clean people but completely underestimated how much mess such a small person could make.
Ava sniggered down at Amelia, looking up to her clumsy farther.
"Hey" Connor pouted, pulling the fork back from Ava's mouth.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Ava laughed, pleading with him.
He held the fork out again and Ava took the mango with a smile.

"How's Soph?" Ava asked, finishing the last of her mango cubes.
"She's good, she's watching a movie downstairs" he told her, placing her bowl on the bedside table.
"She's home already? I would have come down to see her"
"She knows that you need to rest, Avey" he remind her, stoking her hair.
"You needed that sleep"
"Still, I feel like I'm neglecting her" Ava frowned, it would never just be her and Sophia again.
"She knows you love her, she always will" Connor told her.
Amelia finished nursing and Ava burped her over her shoulder. Connor took her and put her down for her nap.
"Can you help me down stairs?" Ava asked as Connor came back into their room. Connor nodded and lifted her off the bed into his arms.

"Hey Buba" Ava smiled as Connor carried her into the living room.
"Mummma!" Sophia smiled, looking up from her drawing. Connor gently placed Ava down on the sofa and Sophia jumped to lay on her.
"Oh, no, no,no" Connor caught her mid jump.
"Princess I know you mean well but Mumma sore from baby sister. We can't lie on her or hug her to much" he told her softly.
"Here" Ava patted the cushion under her arm.
Connor carefully laid Sophia down so she could rest her on Ava's forearm.
"My Buba" Ava brought her lips carefully to Sophia's forehead.
"Can you tell me about your day?" She asked, stroking her first daughters hair.

Connor carefully lifted Ava's head, resting it on his lap while he listed to her girls giggle and laughing at random things. Connor made sure to keep a pillow pressed to Ava's abdomen everything she laughed to stop her from hurting. He watched his girls contently as they talked, their noises almost touching and their blonde hair tangled together.

A high pitched cry broke over the house, Ava instinctively moved to sit up but Connor pushed her back down, slipping off the sofa.
"Baby sister's very loud" Sophia whispered in Ava's ear.
Ava hummed awkwardly, anxiously waiting to see what was wrong with her daughter.
"Wait here Buba" Ava kissed her daughters temple.
She carefully sat up, wincing slightly, Ava stumbled across the house, using the banister to pull herself up the stairs.

"What's wrong" Ava asked worriedly from the door. Clinging onto the doorframe as Connor quickly bounced Amelia in his arms.
"Ava you shouldn't we walking so much" he told her, not stopping his movements.
"Connor tell me what's wrong"
"She has a rash all over her body" Connor said quietly, laying his daughters down on a changing table. Amelia wasn't whaling anymore but was still sobbing.
Ava pulled herself into the room, unbuttoning Amelia's onesie to see her reddened skin.
"I have a spare steathscope in my medical bag" she told Connor, placing a hand on his arm. Connor flew down the hall to get the tool.
"I know baby, I know I'm sorry" she cooed, trying to distract her daughter.

Connor came back and listen to her head and lungs.
"Everything's fine" he Confirm with serval quick nods.
"Okey well the rash isn't bad, maybe the onesies irritating her?"
"She's worn that one before we brought her home in it" Connor pointed out.
"Did we change our detergent?"
"Ava the house looks like a hurricane hit it, no washing has been done to begin with"
"Well something has to be different" she ran her hands through her hair wit the stress.
"She's not bad enough to the point where I'd even consider bringing her to med, not with it being winter and all the illness going around. We'll give her some meds here and see if we can wait it out" Connor put a hand on Ava's back in support.

"She'll be okey Avery, remember, she's strong like her Mumma" Connor kissed her temple.
Ava took Amelia into her arms and Connor helped them both into bed. Ava held her against her chest and rocked her, trying to sooth her. Amelia settled but still whimpered and sopped, the rash never fading.
Ava carefully laid her down in her cot, with Ava listing and watching her like a hawk for any sign of distress. Connor came down the hall and into their room, "Sophias in bed"
Ava nodded, not taking her eyes off her daughter.
"Here" Connor hooked his hand under her arm.
"You need get ready for bed" he helped her up.
"I can manage on my own, stay with Lia" Ava shuffled into the bathroom.
Connor ran the back of his finger over Amelia's hair, the pain in his chest caused by seeing his daughter in pain was just as bad as when he saw Ava like this.
"Everything's going to be alright Angel, mommy and daddy love you" he told her.

Connor helped Ava back into bed, Connor sat up against the headboard so he could clearly see is daughter as she slept. Ava lay her head back on his lap, quickly falling asleep knowing Connor would protect Amelia like he did her. Connor monitor both Ava and Amelia's breathing during the night, running his hands through Ava's hair.

Connor woke with a start as Amelia's shrill cries broke over the house. He move to lift her out of her cot, waking Ava in the process.
"What's wrong, is she okey?" Ava asked quickly, reaching up to touch Amelia's knee.
"Yeah, I think she might be a bit colic"
"Already she's not even a week old?" Ava knitted her brows, watching as her daughter chewed on her own hand.
"Connor, can I have your phone?" Ava said slowly.
"Sure, yeah" Connor handed it her in the dark, only focusing on his crying daughter.

Ava turned on the flashlight and winced at the brightness.
"Bring her head down to me" Ava said, gently pulling her daughters hand out of her mouth.
Ava shone the light down her daughters throat.
"It wasn't the onesie, the rash in in her throat as well"
"So she ate something?" Connor frowned down at his daughter, unsure as to what could have caused that.
"The mango" Ava said quietly. "I haven't had mango while breastfeeding till today"
"Oh baby I'm sorry" Ava pulled her daughter into her chest, covering her head in kissing.
'Mommy didn't mean to hurt you"
Connor placed a hand on top of Ava's one on Amelia's back. "You couldn't have known, it was just a bad reaction. Her rash is going down anyway" he consoled Ava.

Their bedroom door creeped open as a small figure appeared in the doorway.
"Baby sisters noisy" Sophia told them from the door.
"Oh I'm sorry Buba" Ava frowned now that both of her children were up at such a late hour.
"Come here, will a cuddle make it better?" Connor asked, patting the duvet.
"Yes" Sophia grinned snd Connor helped her into the bed.
Sophia stood next to Connor on the bed and held out her arms.
"You aren't going to lie with me?" Connor asked, slightly hurt. Since Sophia could lie on Ava's chest while she was pregnant, it had become Connor and Sophias thing.
"You said Mumma sore from baby, so we can't lie in her. So pa sore from baby, we can't lie on him" Sophia told him, shaking her head.

Connor smiled at how caring his daughter was, "You can lie on me, it's okey princess" he told her, pulling her into his chest. Ava and Connor lay with with a daughter each in their chest, their heads facing each other with happy smiles.
It was a peaceful night for the family.

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