Chapter 32- New friends

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"Hey Ava, it's great to see you back" Natalie hugged her as she came into the doctors lounge.
"Yeah it's been a while" Ava chuckled, she hadn't been in work in two weeks between Sophia getting taken and flying back to South Africa.
"How are you doing" Natalie asked her gently, placing a hand on Ava's arm.
"Yeah, I'm just so relieved to have Sophia back, and to be able to get back to work. Are you and Connor okey by the way, he mentioned he hasn't seen much of you"
"Oh about that" Natalie raised her eyebrows, "after you were attacked and still sedated I asked Connor who the little girl was in your room, and he said she was "our daughter". I was happy for you and him, but horrified at the realisation that you two had a relationship, and he had accused you of everything . I mean I was disgusted at him for presuming that of you back then, but after finding out your where together, I was fuming at him for weeks, Will had to hold me back. I can't believe I didn't realise what your were going through three years ago, I should have checked in with my team more" Natalie admitted.

"It's fine Nat honestly, I wasn't friends with most people at med, you couldn't have known" Ava assured her. "Besides Im happy with Connor and Sophia now, we have everything worked out. I am not however happy that I missed your wedding to Will, and I demand to see wedding photos the next time your free"
"Will do Dr. Bekker" Natalie laughed. "Since your staying in Chicago why do we get drinks with the girls sometime"
Ava thought about it, she definitely needed some friends in Chicago that she worked with. This hospital is practically where she lived, she needed friends nearby.
"Yeah, I'm free this weekend"
"It's a date"


The weekend came and Ava got ready to go out. It wasn't anything to over the top, just drinks with April, Maggie, Natalie and Monique at Molly's.
"You're sure you have everything" Ava asked again.
" I'm sure, I have dinner cooking, her pyjamas are laid out, I have her books and toys ready to go. Everything will be fine Ava" Connor assured her.
"I know, I know. I've just never left you two alone before" Ava reminded him.
"Ava" Connor placed his hands on her waist, "we will be fine" he pushed her towards the door.
"I know you will, Sophia come say goodbye"
"Go have fun with your friends Ava, you haven't had a day off in three years"
"Totsiens*" Sophia giggled, running and jumping into Ava's arms.
"Totsiens my lief**" Ava kissed Sophias forehead.
"You look beautiful" Connor kissed her, holding her close. Ava was wearing a backless green dress and heels.
"I'll be home by 10" Ava told him, hugging him goodbye.
"Totsiens my lief, Goobye my love" Ava kissed him, holding him close before leaving the house.

"To peaceful shift" Natalie toasted, raising her shot glass. The other followed soon after.
"It's great to have you back hun" Maggie told her taking her hand in the table.
"It's great to be back"
"You have to show us more photos of Sophia, she's adorable" Monquie pled.
Ava took out her phone and scrolled though it, finding all different photos of Sophia.
"This is her first day at play school, second birthday, first steps, and me in hospital after I gave birth" Ava explained showing them the photos.
"Now Natalie I think I was promised some wedding photos" Ava reminded her taking a sip of her drink.
Natalie took out her phone and ran Ava through the whole ceremony, Owen was the ring bear, Nat wore her wedding dress from her first engagement to will, Maggie was her maid of honour and Connor was the best man.
"You look gorgeous Natalie, I'm so happy you and Will worked it out"
"Who knows, you might be the next one of us to be walking down that isle" Maggie joked.
"Oh no, Connor and I are on speaking terms again, but I don't think we're quite there yet" Ava laughed nervously.
"I don't know, it was not to long ago he was confessing his undying love for you on the hospital roof" Natalie said cheekily, gaining confidence from drink.
"What" Ava said in shock, spitting out some of her drink.

"Connor was drunk at our engagement party and he cut his head. Will took him back to med to get patched up, while we was their he saw a blond in the car park a few floors down. He thought it was you and started shouting about how much he loved his Avery" Natalie explained, having been told the story by Will. "I thought you'd have heard the story from the nurses"
Ava blushed at Nat's words and sat their in shock. "When was your engagement party"
"The 15th of August" Natalie replies, sensing something strange.
Ava covered her mouth with her hand in shock, "That was me"
"What" All the girls said in unison.
"I had a business trip to Chicago, and I injured my wrist and went to med to be treated. I heard someone calling for Ava but I was so shaken from my injury, I didn't think to stop and see who it's was"

"That is a sign from above, Ava, you and Connor are meant to be together" April told her sternly, she has always been rooting for the two surgeons to get together.
"That's bizarre" Ava whispered realising the chances of that happening.
"I think that's a yes to wedding bells in the future" Natalie confirmed, slightly embarrassed from having told Ava that, she was under the impression that she already knew.
The girls danced for hours as Ava finally let loose and relaxed, moving to the sound of the music.

Maggie dropped her home, realising that she recognised these apartments, "You know Ava, this is the same apartment block that Dr.Rhodes live in"
"Is it now?" Ava joked playing dumb.
"Did you two seriously move in together" Maggie asked happy for her two friends.
"It was best for Sophias development, to have a stable home" Ava defended.
"Sure, that's the only reason" Maggie chuckled to herself.
"Goodnight Maggie" Ava called.
"Night" Maggie winked to her.

Ava made her way into the apartment and up the elevators, just as she was putting the key in the door it sprung open. "Jesus, Connor, you gave me a heart attack"
"Shh, Sophias asleep" he whispered, letting Ava into the house.
Ava apologies as they made their way to the living room, away from Sophias room.
"I feel like I just did an eight hour surgery" Connor confesses.
"Kids will do that to you" Ava joked.
"How was your night" Connor asked, settling into the sofa with her.
"Good, you were right, I needed to get out, make some friends"
"Dr. Bekker saying I'm right, I could get used to this" Connor said sarcastically, setting his head in her lap.
"Don't" Ava teased, playing with his hair.
"So, Dr.Rhodes, what's this I hear about you confessing eternal, undying love for me from the hospital roof" Ava questioned, looking at her loves face.
Connor looked shocked, "How did you-, the Halsteads"
"The Halsteads" Ava confirmed.
"Can you really blame me baby" Connor said flirtaouly, sitting up onto Ava's lap. Cupping her face is kissed her at a pain staking slow pace. "Connor" Ava whimpered as he pulled away.
"What Ave?" He looked down at Ava, a smirks flashed across her face. In one quick movement Ava rolled them over, with Conor laying on back on the sofa now and Ava straddling his thighs, "I love you"

"Goodbye my love**"

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