Chpster 80- Ava

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Ava was groggy when she woke up, it was dark and cold. Ava winced as light flooded over her, two hands came to her arms as she was moved. Her legs hit the ground with a thump and Ava opened her eyes, spotting the car she'd just been dragged out of.

"You're a lot less mouthy like this" a voice grunted over her. Ava shivered as her food ran through something cold and damp. With a little bit of force Ava landed on something springy, she rolled over opening her eyes to a bare, stained mattress. Ava coughed at the smell of the building she was in.

"Hey, hey, hey! Look at me" a hand grabbed her face, squeezing her cheeks.
Ava opened her eyes and spat at her attacked, as he stumbled back she could finally get a good look at his face.
"Russel?" She said in disbelief.
"Took you long enough" he laughed, coming back to his senses.
"What, why? Connor loves you like a brother" she wheezed, not being used to sitting up.
Russel paced around, checking his phone.
"If it's financial issues Connor would have helped you"
"Shut it!" He barked at her, picking up an incoming call.

"Hey, Baby" he picked up the phone and Ava could hear the buzz of someone's talking on the other line.
"Yeah, that's good to hear. It was a great sunrise here, I'm going for lunch soon. I'll talk to you later"
"Yeah, have a great day at work hun, love you"

Russel hung up the phone and his smile fell.
Ava laughed bitterly, "you took Sophia, didn't you"
"And the texts messages, everything"
Russel didn't say anything but went back to the car, the car that Ava now realised was hers, spotting the car seats in the back.
Bastard abducted me in my own car

The windows in the warehouse were blacked out with paint, but from the little light coming through Ava could tell that dawn had broken. There was broken furniture and old manaquine parts dotted about the open space.
They must be looking for me by now, Connor would have been home

Ava smiled in relief, knowing someone must be on their way.
"What are you so happy about" he hissed, approaching her.
Ava opened her eyes to see him holding a roll of duct tap, she shifted away from him, shouldering him in the face as he got closer.
"Bitch" he stay, jumping on top of her again, wrestling with her until the tap was over her mouth.

Ava whimpered in pain, not even needing to check to know that her stitches had burst from all this movement.
"It didn't need to be like this, Avery" he taunted her.
"You should have listed to me, stayed back in South Africa, where you belong"
"But ohhh no, I'm Ava Bekker, I want a perfect happy family with Conny. Pathetic" he mocked her. Coming back from his bag he pulled her up forcefully, binding her wrists with zip ties. Russel held her up by her throat, studying her face.
"I never really saw what Connor saw in you. Then again, maybe he just felt bad about knocking you up" he let her drop back against the mattress.

The door slammed shut behind him as he left, Ava wanted to move but couldn't find the energy, glued to the mattress. Ava fought to stay awake but soon her eyes close and everything went dark.


Ava woke with a start as water came down on her. She gasped for breath and spat the duct tape off her mouth, shivering into a ball. Ava coughed the dirty water out of her mouth as she rolled on her side.
"What was that for" She wheezed.
"You wouldn't wake up" he lit a cigarette, running a hand through his hair.

"What are you going to do with me" Ava sighed desperately.
"Losing hope in Rhodes already, that's disheartening"
"You're not trying to hide your face" she said flatly.
"Clever girl" he teased her, dropping his cigarette onto the dry bit of mattress beside her.
As it smoked Ava used her elbow to hit it out, hissing as it burned her.

Russel laughed and walked away, pacing the room.
"See I just can figure out what to do, right? So your a troubled mother, constantly being ridiculed by the media, you first daughter was abducted, and you have the added stress of a newborn!"
"So one night, Avery Bekker decides to leave, leave it all behind and drive her SUV" he kicked the tire of the car, "into the night"
"Now the only question is what do I do with you to make it convincing. Leave you in a motel room, remote woodland, or maybe take a page out of granny Rhode's book and I'll push you off a roof"
"Regardless, Rhodey will be so devastated that his fiancé and mother of his child has died, that he'll go for a drink, clear his head. Maybe he'll go a bit to fast in that sports car and try to slow down, but oh" Russel pulls out a pair of pliers, "someone's cut his breaks" he pretend gasps.

"Connor would never fall for that, he'd never leave the girls alone" she told him, tears burning in the back of her eyes.
"Really? Because even now he's trying so desperately to find you that he's left them all alone with those doctor friends of yours, it would be terribly easy to take them again. But I wouldn't need to, once you and lover boy are out of the picture Claire and I will finally have the children she always wanted"
"Seriously? Why did you try drive me out of Chicago if you wanted my children"

Russel scoffed, "silly girl, I needed you out incase Connor ever decide to make up with you, and you got talking about his father. Couldn't have him realising you didn't in-fact kill his own father"
"That family has shown you nothing but love, how could you do this"
Russel looked back to her, "what's that thing you told Connor before, "When you do something out of love it can never really be wrong?"
Russel laughed and walked away, leaving Ava alone again.


When Ava woke for the third time she was sure some time had passed. She shivered in the cold, her night clothes still damp from the water thrown over them. Her chest aches from the build up of milk. As she opened her eyes she found Russel staring down at her, not even flinching at the sight of him this time. Ava had inched herself off of and away from the mattress in the night, a desperate attempt at escape.
Russel sighed, "well if you don't want it then" he pushed the mattress against the wall, so all Ava had was stone floor.

Russel left again for some time, Ava couldn't tell if it had been hours or days, but she knew she had to get out. Using all of her strength she turned herself over, pulling herself up using the car tire. Through agonising pain Ava opened the car door and pulled herself half in. Reaching out she tried to hit the screen in the center to go into location.

Hurried footsteps rushing to the door as it burst open, Ava caught a glimpse of the darkness outside as Russel charged at her. She tried to do anything to get away but it was useless, Russel tackled her to the ground. Unlike the other times, Ava never lost consciousness, she could blurry make out him pacing the room, kicking things over, attaching something to her ankle and pouring a fowl smelling liquid on the ground....

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