Chapter 65- Never alone again

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"Ava?" Connor questioned, coming into the kitchen of their new home. Ava turned her head up from her lap to meet Connors eyes.
"Good morning" she smiled to him from the sofa.
"Your up early" he sat next to her, wrapping an arm around her.
"Bump was doing somersaults on my bladder all morning" she snuggled into his side.
"It was a pretty sunrise"
Connor kissed her temple, rubbing her arm and appreciating their closeness.
"I'll go get Sophia up" he said leaving her on the sofa.
"When do you think you'll take your maternity leave? Your nearly due" He asked worriedly, hanging the doorway.
"Soon, but I can go a little longer. I went longer with Sophia. The later I leave it the longer I can spend with bump when she gets here" she rubbed a head over her belly.
"Okey, just take it easy" he told her before going to get Sophia up.

Ava got up, showered and changed into her maternity scrubs and robe. Ava made a quick lunch for the family before getting into the car. Connor left Ava in the car and walked Sophia into school, waving to her from the school gates.
Connor got back into the car and started the engine. Connor leaned over the divider to kiss Ava's temple.
"How are you feeling?"
"Enormous, swollen and achey" Ava said, placing her hand on her bump.
"I just want her in my arms already"
"Soon, Avey. But not too soon bump" Connor to her bump playfully, wagging a finger in front of it.
Connor laced his finger in through Ava's. "And you're not enormous, Ave, your pregnant. It's beautiful, your been working over eight months to keep our princess safe. And when we get home I will rub your back or feet or anywhere that hurts"
Ava pulled their joined hands towards her, brushing her lips over Connors knuckles.
"My cowboy"

It was around lunch time when Ava heard the all to familiar buzz throughout the entire hospital. *MASS CASUALTY*
Ava came storming out of the lift, pulling her gloves on.
"Mass shooting at a mall, Ava your in T4"
Their was blood everywhere as Ava made her way over to T4.
"Okey orange tag, get him to ortho" she called, changing her gloves.
Connor came into the trauma bay and stood at the other gurney.
"Dr. Rhodes, nice of you to join us" she smiled over to him.
"Always a pleasure Dr. Bekker"
"Red tag, shot in the chest" someone rolled a new patient in.
"Suspected nicked artery, extensive bleeding. Let's get him to the OR"
"Dr. Lathems busy" someone shouted over to her.
"I'll do the surgery" she said confidently.
"What, Ava, no I'll do it" Connor argued, packing a patient.
"Connor your the only trauma surgeon here right now they need you, I'll be fine" she called before rushing after the gurney.

Ava was on her second surgery by now, Beth wiped her brow with a tissue as she worked.
"Ava we've dealt with all red tags, I'm scrubbing in" Connor called over the intercom.
"Dr. Rhodes I'm sure theirs some orange tags that need looking at, I'm nearly done here" she called over her shoulder.
"Ava" Connor protested.
Ava looked up at him over the table, raising an eyebrow at what he wanted her to do. Connor visually exhaled before walking out of the room.

When Ava was done the surgery she went to go rest for a moment before Dr. Lankin caught her arm. "Dr. Bekker I need you urgently in surgery"
"Uh, I. Yes, yes of course" She agreed following him down to the OR.
They were two hours into the surgery at Thai point and Ava's legs started to go numb.
"Dr. Bekker are you alright?" Lankin asked, noticing her fidgeting.
"Yes I'm quite alright" she defended, suctioning an area.

"Dr. Bekker I need you for a consult" Maggie called over to her as she was going into the doctors lounge.
"On my way" Ava changed direction. Ava was two hours over her eight hour shift, she would have been more then used if it wasn't for the pregnancy.
Ava had done her fourth surgery of the day and was stumbling to the cardio doctors lounge.
"Dr. Bekker?" Connor called after.
Ava turned to see Connors at the end of the corridor.
"What are you still doing here? Your shift ended two hours ago" he reminded her, walking up to meet her.
He ran a hand down the side of her arm, "I'm fine. Patients just kept on coming, you know how it is"
"Dr. Bekker we need you for a surgery" Beth called from one of the treatment rooms.
"Of course" Ava turned on her heal away from Connor.
"Ava wait, I'll do the surgery" he pulled her arm back.
"No, they still need you in trauma" she defended, rubbing her back as she walked away.
"Ava" he called after her.
"Ava, you're not doing that surgery"
"Connor I have to, I can go a bit longer-"
"Ava, you're not doing the surgery!" he barked at her.
Ava was taken aback by his vocality, Connor had never spoken to her this way during her pregnancy.
"Fine" she pushed the tablet into his hands, "you do the surgery"
Ava buried her fists in her robe pockets before stalking off down the hall.
"Ava" Connor sighed, following her into the doctors lounge.
She was only trying to help after all.

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