Chapter 22- Gala

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Things with Connor and Ava had only gotten better after resolving their fight. Ava had agreed to stay and extra four months in Chicago, and the Cardiothoracic duo were back in action.

Connor had once again spent the night at Ava's apartment, he'd only been home once in the past week, having fallen asleep on Ava's bed holding Ava, keeping Sophia protectively snuggled between the two of them.
Connor carefully got up leaving his two girls snuggled together on the bed. He used the bathroom before returning to Ava's room, stopping when he noticed something on her bedside table. Connor picked up the object, and black frame with a suspended photograph of himself and Ava on one of their dates. Ava was beaming up at him, smiling like a child, "if only she'd have known everything I'd put her through in the weeks after this photo" Connor shook his head. He noticed the glass missing from the frame, only finding serval shards stuck behind the wood of the frame. The photo had been thrown at some point, through a good distance.

Connor felt a warm hand slip onto his wrist, looking down to see Ava grinning up at him. Her hair was tossed and her cheeks were rosey with sleep, she still had one arm wrapped around Sophia. Ava lovely rubbed his hand, seeing him with the photo, "Come back to bed" she mouthed to him. It was still the early hours of the morning, early even for them.
Connor bend down to kiss Ava, slipping under to covers behind hers, he protectively wrapping his arms around her. Resting his hand on top of the one Ava had on Sophia.

Two hours later everyone was up and moving getting ready for the day. Connor walked into the bedroom to find Ava gazing down at the photo she had caught Connor with.
"It had a nasty run in with the kitchen sink" Ava said turning to him, sensing she was no longer alone.
"Happens" Connor shrugged, catching Ava's waist in his hands, "Especially when boyfriends are being narrow minded and not listing to their girlfriends" Connor rocked himself and Ava gently from side to side.
"Mhm" Ava nodded in agreement, leaning into Connor. Connor suddenly threw Ava into the air, throwing her over his shoulder. "Rhodes" Ava shrieked, she hadn't been carried like this in years.
"We're going to be late for work Bekker" he informed her in a matter of fact way.
"Put me down Connor" Ava laughed as he carried her into the living room.
"Dada" Sophia called from the Sophia. "I want to fly like mommy"

Connor brought Ava back to her feet before picking up Sophia and slinging her over his shoulder, Sophia shrieked as Ava chuckled in delight.
"We're going to be late my loves" Ava urged them to the doors.


"We have the Gala tonight" Connor reminded her. "Don't forget"
"I won't, I have my dress in my locker" Ava said brushing a finger down his neck.
The two doctors were in a more private corner of the cafeteria, away from prying eyes.
"I got a sitter for Sophia, Natalie recommended her. It's going to be so strange leaving her alone" Ava sighed.
"You left her with Goodwin the night of the black out" Connor reminded her.
"Buts that's different, that's Sharron. This is a stranger" Ava was unsettled at the though of leaving her daughter alone for practically the first time in her young life.
Connor placed a comforting hand on Ava's knee under the desk, making sure not to let anyone see. "It will be fine Ava, you deserve a night off after three years. It'll be great, you'll catch up with everyone" he assured her.
"Yeah, your right"

The Gala was a fundraiser for the hospital, but also an interview opportunity about the separation surgery. It was right after their shift together so the pair shower and go ready in the  hospital. Ava's sitter had arrived to take Sophia homes it was a tearful goodbye and Ava was still nervous about leaving her alone.

"You look stunning" Connor whispered into Ava's hair, catching her waist from behind.
Ava was in a long flowing, white slip dress. She had her hair pinned up out of her face and some light make up. Connor inhaled deeply, "You're wearing your perfume again"
Ava had stopped wearing anything lilac related after Connors accusations, which extended to not even wearing the colour lilac for many years.
Ava turned to face him, closing her locker. "I thought it was about time I bring it back" Ava said calmly, planting a kiss on Connors lips. Connor pulled away bring his face in Ava's neck, kissing as he went, welcoming the familiar floral sent.
Ava pulled his head away, "Remember Connor, we're colleagues at this"
"That would be easier to believe if you weren't so attractive" Connor whispered into Ava's ear as the door to the doctor lounge swung open. Shifting away from Connor, Ava cleared the thought as Natalie walked in, oblivious as to what had just happened.

"Hey guys, people are starting to arrive out their. Ava are you okey?" Nat asked noticing her face flushed. "Yes I'm fine, we should head out"

Connor and Ava made their rounds, speaking to reporters and other members of staff. Ava had only had an issue with one reporter hassling her about Cornelius's death.
"I would like to remind everyone that three years ago Dr. Bekker was cleared of any foul play I wrongly accused her of. She is a top rate surgeon and I apologise for any accusations that put her career in jeopardy. Although we don't know who killed my father, i hope that one day we will." Connor gave his brief statement regarding the question, seeing Ava to taken aback to answer.
"Thanks" Ava breathed coming back to her sense.
Picking up a glass of champagne, and taking a sip "I didn't think they would be so forward about it"
Connor placed a hand on the small of Ava's back, trying to calm her.
"Have you heard from the sitter" he asked try to distract her.
"Yeah, she send me photos of Sophia having some pasta for dinner"
"See I told you everything would be fine". Ava turned to look at him, smiling lovingly as the pair gazed at each other.

"Connor" Claire called from across the room. Connor quickly pulled his had away and turned to see his sister. "Claire" Connor says embracing his sister.
"My sister took over my father's place in the board" Connor informs Ava.
"This is my colleague, Dr. Ava Bekker" Connor introduced Ava to his sister and his brother-in-law.
"And this is my sister Claire, and her husband Russel"
"Good to see you again, Dr. Bekker" Claire said some what cold, sarcastic tone, still sure about Ava being back in Chicago. "Nice to meet you" Russel shook Ava's hand.
Ava excused herself to go speak with Beth and some of the surgical team.
"Claire, what was that"
"What was what" Claire shrugged innocently.
"The tone towards Ava" Connor said flatly.
"Oh so we're back on a first name basis with the murder. You did hear she had some South African kid out of wedlock" Claire laughed cruelly.
"You and I both know Ava was cleared of any wrong doing three years ago. And it is neither of ours business when and where Ava decides to have a child"
"She probably paid off the courts" Russel added, laughing to himself.

Connor left the pair and went to go find Ava, wanting to protect her from any further questioning. Finding Ava with a group of surgeons, "Avery" he calls as she turns. Catching her cheek in his hand, kissing her lightly. "I missed you" he whispered to her.
"Is this how you greet all you colleges now" Ava probed, placing her hands on the back of Connors neck, no longer caring about who was around. "Only my favourites"

Connor and Ava stayed at the gala another two hours, chatting with old friends and hearing about new medical journals. When they left the hospital it was dark, and their was a midnight chill in the air. Connor dropped his suit jacket over Ava's shoulders, sheltering her from the cold. The couple waited for the valet to bring Connors car around, he started the apologies for the evening, "About my sister-"
"It's fine Connor" Ava assured him, "We never met formally, all she knows me as is the accused killer of her dad. It's understandable that she'd be icy to me"
"Still, she knows you didn't kill him. She knows about Sophia as well, heard it as a rumour from one of the nurses"
"It's was bound to come out at some point, besides it looks like I'm staying here for the foreseeable future" Ava chuckled sweetly. Ava wasn't driving so she had a few glasses of champagne with dinner.
"Doctor Bekker, are you tipsy" Connor asked pretending to be shocked.
"Who me? No" Ava said playing along. The two kissed each other passionately before the valet came around.

Connor drove Ava home, wishing he could stay another night, "I should head home" he kissed her on the forehead. "Surprised my doorman hasn't put out a search party for me"
Connor had both arms wrapped around Ava, drowning in her touch as the pair stood outside her apartment.
"You know Dr. Bekker, the next time you look this good I think we should stay in" Connor whispered, kissing her swiftly. Pushing him away to go into her apartment Ava blew him a playful kiss, "Goodnight Connor"

Connor drove himself home, it was nearly 11 but he had the day off tomorrow. Leaving his phone on the kitchen counter Connor went to go shower, washing the day off him. When he came out he was so tired he just went to bed, missing Ava's warmth next to him. He'd forgotten about his silent phone on the table, he couldn't hear the frantic dings of Ava's calls and messages for help. The phone calls from the police in the early hours of the morning, he was oblivious to it all.

An/ refrain from killing me over the next chapter

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