Chapter 5- Old flames, new enemies

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Ava was staying in her old apartment in Chicago, when she had left for South Africa she sold it to an old med school friend who had gone back home and needed someone to house sit.

"Shh" Ava hushed and Sophia stirred in her arms. She laid her down on Ava's old bed, pulling the blankets up to her chin before heading into the kitchen.
Ava's phone buzzed as she got a drink from the fridge.

C. Rhodes: great to see you back in action today Ava 🙂

Ava read the message but put her phone back on the counter face down. She noticed a sticky note stuck to the fridge: Kept some of your old stuff that you left here when you moved. In a box in the closet x

Ava remembered how quickly she had packed all her bags that night. She didn't have many
Possession in Chicago to begin with, she had arrived her and started working immediately so she didn't have much time to shop. "What in gods name could I have left here" Ava thought with a sigh.

Retrieving the box from the back of the storage closet Ava sat at the kitchen counter and poured herself a half glass of wine. "Definitely needed given the situation" Ava groaned.
Peeling back the packing tape. The box smelt old and dusty, but at lest it was dry.
Pulling things out a few at a time, some of it was rubbish from Ava old apartment, magazine scraps and news paper articles, things like that. But then Ava made her way to the bottom of the box, pulling out a mug, and pirate hat and a picture frame wrapped in newspaper.
The three objects she had never wanted to see again. "Cardiac surgeons fix broken hearts, when their not breaking them" Ava laughed bitterly at the mug while unwrapping the frame.

Ava knew what the image was, and why it was wrapped. The night that Connor had accused Ava of sleeping with his farther Ava had driven home in tears. Only to be met with reminders of hers and Connors failed relationships. She'd gone to shower to taken the mind off things, coming into an empty bed room and seeing a photo of Connor and her on the bedside table. It had only been taken a few weeks prior, Connor and her had gone out for lunch together in a local park. He had his arm around her waist and she was beaming up at him. In a fit of emotion Ava had taken the photo and thrown it into the kitchen sink, sending glass shards dancing through the air.

The photo sat in front of her now, some light water damage and bits of glass still held in the frame. She smiled to herself at the memory of that day, and how it had been warm in Chicago for once.

Ava picked up her phone and replied to Connor.
Ava: Great to be back, I'm sure you missed me giving you trouble in general surgeries 😅

Ava's phone dinged a second later, no expecting such a quick reply from Rhodes.
Unknown: I told you to stay out of Chicago, Bekker.

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