Chapter 85- Baby/Honeymoon

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The six of them all flew home together after their week in paradise. Connor carried the two girls into the house while Ava got the bags, it was only four o'clock in Illinois but the family were ready to sleep from all the travelling.

Connor out the girls to bed while Ava unpacked and washed all of their clothes. Connor wandered into there bedroom finding Ava unpacking all of there clothes.
"Hey" she smiles and Connor comes up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.
Ava reaches to pull some clothes out of there suitcase when Connor caught her hand. I wouldn't be so quick to unpack" he said, leaning over to open their nightstand.  Connor pulled out an envelope with two tickets in it.
"Naples, Italy. We fly out in two weeks"

Ava squeaked and turned in his arms, throwing her arms around his neck.
"We never got a honeymoon, though I suppose it's more of a baby moon by now" Connor laughed, Ava jumped in his arms and Connor pulled her into them.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you" she kissed all over his face between her words.
"Are you excited then?" Connor asked with a smirk.
"Very" she pulled back from his face, cupping it with her hands.
Ava's mouth formed a little "O", "Neither of us can speak Italian"
"We'll must have to learn, won't we then Mrs. Rhodes" Connor smirked.
"We have two weeks after all"

Connor leaned forward and placed Ava on their bed, climbing over her.
"Let's leave unpacking till later, I want you in my arms now" he told her.
Connor kicked the suitcase off the bed and removed their outer clothes, climbing under the sheets to lay in each others arms.


Two weeks flew by and Connor and Ava were boarding their flight to Italy.
"Do you think we packed enough closes?" Ava asked worriedly.
"For us?"
"No, for the girls" Ava tapped her foot in line.
"Ava, they will be fine" he took her in his arms, "well phone them everyday, and Claire will send us updates"
"I know, I know. Two weeks is a long time to be without my babies" Ava pouted.
"What if I didn't pump enough?"
"Then Claire can give Amelia formula for the last day or two. Okey, either way Amelia and Sophias will be fine. You wouldn't worry so much" Connor smoothed out the crinkle between her brow with his thumb.
"Your right" she bumped his hip with hers, as she showed her boarding pass.

Connor and Ava were in business class again, only this time two people down. The flight took off and once the seatbelt sign was off Connor lifted up the arm rest separating him and Ava and pulled her onto his lap.
"My girl" he kissed her temple, rubbing her leg with his hand.
"Go to sleep, when you wake up we'll be there" he told her, stroking her curls. Ava did I fact sleep all the way to Italy, the week prior was her first week back part time and it had drained her. Between consoles and needing to pump she was constantly running around. She couldn't wait to be back in surgery, she started back full time when they came back from Italy.

When they landed Ava was still fast asleep. Connor waited until the plane cleared out before picking Ava up in his arms and carrying her to the car Claire had arraigned for them. It was mid evening and the sun was low in the sky. Connor drove with the windows a jar, letting cool air blow through the mini. Ava slowly lifted her head when they were ten mitnues away from the villa.
"How did I get here?" She muttered, bending her brows.
"We landed forty minutes ago, I carried you" Connor took one hand from the wheel to place it one Ava's knee. Ava pulled herself up in her seat, smiling happily at the landscape as they drove.

Connor pulled into the drive way and they got out of the car to get their bags. Connor carried his up the few steps before stopping to put them down and wait for Ava. He grabbed her in his arms, kick the the door open with his foot.
"What are you doing?" She laughed.
"Carrying my gorgeous wife over the threshold" he told her, leaning down to kiss her. Connor put Ava back on her feet and they brought the bags in.

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