Chapter 59- Cinnamon bun 

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When Connor woke his chest felt light, looking down he saw Ava's absence in the bed. Listing to the house he heard running water and gagging from the bathroom.
"Ava" he knocked in the door frantically.
Letting himself in he found Ava curdled up on the floor next to the toilet, resting her head against the sink.
"Avery" he sighed coming over to her. Flushing the toilet he took an elastic from the draw and tied up her hair.
"I was trying not to wake you" she muttered, cringing at the sour taste in her mouth.
"It's okey Ave, you should have woke me" he caressed her hair, handing her a glass of water and sitting on the edge of the bathtub.
Ava rinsing end mouth before taking a few small sips. Resting her head back against the sink, she closed her eyes. "Your baby has something against me"
Connor chuckled light, happy that Ava's spirts hadn't been effected. Ava opened her eyes slightly to see Connor laughing, it was her favourite sight.

"Was it like this with Sophia?" He asked after a moment of silence.
Ava held her tongue between her teeth, thinking of an answer.
"The morning sickness is worse with this baby, but with Sophia I had frequent waves of nausea"
Connor felt his heart sink that Ava went through that alone, with no one I sit with her or tie her hair back.
"This ones having a dance party" Ava sighed, smiling at her bump, "Sophia was a very stationary baby, I think she knew I needed to concentrate while at work. She only ever kicked before I went to bed, to let me know she was there"

Connor took her hand in his, trying to warm them. "I mean it when I say your not doing it alone this time"
"I know Connor" she smiled to him, "in that case can you help me back to bed"
Connor let go of her hand and Ava moved to get to her feet but before she could Connor scooped her up into his arms.
"Connor no, you'll hurt your back" Ava protested, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.
"Ava your doing all the hard work in this pregnancy, let me carry my girls" he kissed her forehead, pushing their bedroom door open with his foot.
Ava was to weak to protest it more and just relaxed into his arms. Connor lay Ava down on the bed, pulling out one of the many blankets Ava had in her old house to cover her cold frame. Ava had her eyes closed but reached out to grab the waist band of Connors shorts, pulling him into her. She rested her head on his chest, clutching the blanket in a little fist.
"My girl" he kissed her temple, rubbing her lowering back to try and sooth the baby, feeling her frequent kicks.
"My hot water bottle" she snorted into his chest, opening her eyes slightly.
"I love you" she sighed, drifting off to sleep with a beatific smile.

When Ava woke their was warm light spilling into her from the window, warming her face. Rolling over she found herself alone in bed as her eyes focused on the clock in her bedside table.
"Connor!" Ava screamed.

Connor came running into the bedroom, tripping as he came in.
"What's wrong" he gasped as he found his feet.
"Is it the baby, are you in pain?"
"It's 10am, I'm three hours late for work" she cried, pulling herself out of bed.
"Woah woah" Connor pushed her back into the bed by end shoulders, "I booked you the day off"
"What, why?"
"Your not well Ave, you barely slept last night. Sharron would have sent you home had you gone in anyway" he told her, caressing her cheek.

Ava leaned into his touch, feeling the warmth of his palm.
"But today was meant to be your day off, their two surgeons down now" Ava argued.
Connor leaned in to kiss her forehead, "I know Ave, I agreed to be on call if they need me"
Ava pouted, feeling guilty about taking her fiancées day off.
"Come on Ave, you know I'd rather spend my day off with you" he kissed her again, soothing her worried head.
Ava wrapped her arms around Connors waist, resting her head against his chest. Connor smooth out her hair and held her in his arms.
"So, what dose my girl want to do with her day off?" Connor asked, smiling down to her. Ava looked up, resting her chin on his chest.
"Pancakes" Ava said confidently.
"Pancakes it is then" he kissed her nose, leaving her to get ready for the day. Ava showered and brushed her teeth twice, trying to get the acidic taste out of her mouth. When she came into the kitchen Connor was already plating up two portions of pancakes.
"My cowboy" Ava said, hugged Connor from behind. He turned in her arms to face her.
"Good morning Ave" he kissed her. Squatting down he took Ava's waist in his hands, "Good morning princess" he kissed Ava's ever growing bump.
"I dropped Sophia off to school this morning, she went into our room and kissed bump before we left" he added.

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