Chapter 30- Nat and Will's

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A year ago, Chicago, August 15th

It had been two years since Ava left Chicago, Connor had thought about her nearly everyday, without even meaning to do so. Small things would remind him of her, after surgeries he would be eager to tell her about them only to remember she was gone, these moments were brief, but frequent.

It was Nat and Will's engagement party tonight, their second one. Connor was happy for his friends, of course, but this day especially,  Ava was lingering on his mind.
Connor had been successful in his CT and trauma career, more than most. But since Ava Connor had been more or less alone, other than the odd fling, or hook up. His brother in law had tried to set him up countless times but to no avail. Overrun by his guilty about how he drove Ava out of Chicago.

Connor went to his locker and changed after his shift, he worn a dark blue suit. Driving to Molly's to meet the rest of the party. Connor drove in silence, letting his mind wander.
This could have been me and Ava tonight, together.
Connor swallowed and suppressed the thought, turning on the radio he listens in and out.
"Ava loved this song" Connor smiles to himself, tapping his fingers along to the beat.
Closing his eyes Connor imaged what it would be like if Ava was here know. She wound have her hand on his knee, like she always did when they drove together. She'd be smiling at him, tilting her head and dancing along to the beat. Her hair would be curled around her shoulders, this wasn't a costume party so Ava would have worn something colourful, but elegant. Something that showed off her long legs in high-heels.

The blow of a car horn brought Connor back to his isolated reality, waving to the driver behind him Connor waved as he passed the already orange light. Opening his window a crack to try dissipate the sweet smell of lilac that suddenly filled his lungs.

Connor danced and celebrated his friends reengagement, and more importantly drank to it. Everyone began to settle down, hearing the clicking of glasses.
"Thank you so much for being here with us all tonight, for our family young and old. And to Sharron Goodwin, for bringing us together at Med, even though she couldn't be here with us tonight. We can't wait to start this chapter of our lives with you all" every cheered raising their glasses into the air.
Connor smiled, his face red from drink as tears picked at the back of his eyes. This could  have been us.

As the night went on people began to make their way home as Molly's emptied out. Connor reached for another drink to drown his sorrows when a hand pulled him back.
"Hey buddy I think you've had enough" Will said softly, pulling him back.
Connor shrugged him off but walked outside, stumbling on the steps to Molly's.
"Hey, hey. I got you, I got you" Will called grabbing onto Connors shoulder.
Will noticed the gash on Connors forehead that he'd scraped it in the wall.
"Come on bud lets get you to med"

Will helped Connor into his car, kissing Nat goodbye.
Connor and Will were silent most of the card ride there, only Connors odd mummer filling the silence. Will knew Connor had been going through something lately, something more than just grieving the death of his farther, and loosing a friend in the process.

The Ed was quite given the hour and that it was a weekend. Will got Connor set up in a treatment room, making sure to give him plenty of water.
"Why did she leave me" Connor whispers hoarsely.
"What?" Will asked in confusion, as far he knew Connor hadn't been properly seeing anyone since Robyn.
"My Avery" Connor murmured as Will cleaned Connor's forehead.
Avery? "Connor who's Avery?"
"Ava" Connor muttered.
"Connor, Dr. Bekker left the hospital two years ago. She wanted a fresh start" Will reminded, unsure as to what made Connor think of Ava.
"I miss Ave" Connor told him, his speech slightly slurred.
"Yes, we'll all miss Ava, she was a great surgeon"
"No you don't get it, I loved my Avery. We were so happy together, I really was an ungrateful prick" sobbed shifting on the bed.
"Connor and Dr. Bekker, Ava, has a relationship past friends?" Will thought as he finished with Connor. Connor had never mentioned them being together. Yeah he knew he was seeing someone around that time and things went south, but he never thought it was Ava.

No wonder Ava had looked so rough he last two months at the hospital, the man she loved had accused her of sleeping with his father. Will knew that Ava would do anything for her work, but he knew she wouldn't go that far, their must have been some other reason Connor accused her. "Come on, lets get some air" Will suggested, still trying to comprehend the information. Helping Connor up, he seemed to be doing better now with some fluids in him.
The pair made their way to the balcony over looking Chicago, Will sat on a bench as Connor went to go look at the night lights.
"I love you Ava" Connor shouted across Chicago, "Wherever you are" came a short gasp later.
Giving Connor his few minutes of fresh air, Will went to go comfort him.
"Come Connor I think it's time we head back, get you rested up" Will placed a hand on Connors back.
"Look it's my Avery" Connor called pointing down at the car park. Will followed his gaze to see a blonde women hurriedly walking, leaning into a man.
"No Connor, Ava left Chicago" Will told him again, not wanting him to go chasing waterfalls.
"That's my Ave" Connor told him with certainty.
Will focused his eyes down on the pair, recongsing one of them.
"Connor that's detective Voight, what would he be doing with Ava" Will wrapped an arm around Connor, walking him back to the hospital.
"I don't know, but I'm telling you that's my Avery Bekker" Connor hiccuped playfully as they reentered the hospital.

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