Chapter 34- New evidence

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"Ava Bekker you are under arrest for the murder of Cornelius Rhodes"
"No, she didn't do anything!" Connor shouted as Ava was taken away.
Connor looked to his left to find Sophia crying at the sight of her mother being taken away.
"Sophia" Connor called running towards her as she seemed to get further and further away.
"Waar is my ma*"Sophia called
"Im here sweet heart, I'm here" Connor said pulling Sophia to him.
"Waar is sy, Waar is sy**"Sophia shrieked.
"I can't understand what your saying sweetheart" Connor bounced her to try and sooth her before she disappeared from his arms.
Turning his head again he saw Ava lying on the ground of the OR, scalpel in hand.
"Ava"Connor screamed running over to her, trying to stop the bleeding from her artery,but it just seemed to be coming from everywhere.


"Ava, i'm sorry my love" Connor wept into Ava's hair


"I should had help you more, I should have done more"

"CONNOR" someone shouted as he woke with a start. Sitting up he found himself in a cold sweat, Ava sitting up next to him, her legs curled around her.
"Baby, shh, it was just a nightmare" Ava calmed him, rubbing his cheek. Upon realising that Ava was well and next to him he pulled her close and held her tightly. "Avery"

"That bad, huh?"
Nod nodded into her neck as she wrapped her arms around him neck. Connor had his head resting on Ava's chest, listing to the steady beat of her heart.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Ava asked, pulling away slightly to face Connor, brushing damp hair from his forehead.
"You called out to me" Ava told him, studying his face to try gather his thoughts.
"They we're taking you away from me" Connor panted, pulling Ava back to him.
"Who was"
"Voight and Jay, they were arresting you" Connors voice trailed off, she knew what he was talking about, "This is about tomorrow isn't it?"
Connor had been asked to come down to the police station with Ava. They had rang to inform Connor of this, but not Ava, which worried him.
"Trust me, police don't politely ask to speak and ask which time suits you best to you to down to the station to arrest you" Ava told him, smiling behind his back, brushing her lips against his neck and shoulder lightly.
"And you would know that how" Connor asked, smiling into her shoulder, feeling save knowing she was in his arms.
"Got taken into custody during my final year of med school, nearly got arrested, my professor got me out. It was a very eventful climate change protest"
"Avery Bekker the activist, I like it" Connor told her, pulling back from her so he could kiss her lips.

"Is that all your dream was about" Ava pulled back, sceptical as to if he was telling her everything.
Connor pouted slightly, "It was Sophia as well, she was crying but she was speaking Afrikaans and I couldn't understand her"
"You'll learn it, it just takes time" Ava kissed him forehead, lingering their.
"That's not all" Connor gripped Ava waist tighter.
"It was you, in the OR, I didn't make it to you in time, I didn't interrupt you, from..." Connor looked down at this lap, frozen with fear, thinking of what might have happened. They had never addressed it after that day.
"Hey, hey. Dont think like that okey" Ava took his chin in her face, making him look up to her.
"I should have done something, I should have gotten you help" he rambled.
"I was in a dark place, I haven't gone back their since. I'm still here" Ava reminded him softly, running a hand down his back.
Laying down on her side Ava pulled Connor to her chest, resting her chin on his head.
Ava lay their rubbing Connors shoulder until he fell asleep again. She stayed up longer, worried what this meeting was about her, but not letting it show for Connors sake.


Waking into the station Ava felt a sense of unease, remembering all the times she'd be called down here before. Connor sensed this and slipped his hand silently into hers, pulling her down the corridor to Voight's office.
"Ava" Voight smiled slightly at her as she entered his office, Voight's face fell with a look of anger at the sight of Connor that disappeared as quick as it had shown.
Sitting across from Voight, Connor could see Ava was tense, even if she won't admit it to him.
Taking her hand in his he gave it a light squeeze of encouragement.
"Connor, Ava" Jay greeted them.
Jay had pulled up a chair next to Voight's desk, he had a somber look on his face.
"I'm sure you can both gather that this is in relation to Mr. Rhodes murder"
Ava sucked in a breath, "Are they finally getting closer, or is this more allegations against me" Ava thought anxiously to herself.
"In the weeks before Cornelius's passing there were several unexplained instances of doors in the hospital being opened by staff members key cards who weren't on shift. This lead to the hospital investing in a new key card system as I'm sure your all aware" Jay explained.
"Some rooms that were entered were minor, scrub rooms, the doctors lounge, things like that. But the more serious rooms being accessed were rooms medicine was stored in." Jay turned over a clip board with a print out on it.

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