Chapter 83 - Christmas

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It was the build up the Christmas and everyone was so exited for it. It was only three days away, the Bekker-Rhodes family were out walking around their neighbourhood watching the Christmas lights. Ava was in her chair while she recovered and Connor had Amelia strapped to his chest.
"Ma why is Christmas so cold?" Sophia asked, her last two Christmas were spent in warmth.
"This is what America Christmas are like buba" Ava told her.
"Stupid America cold" Sophia kicked a rock I front of her.

As they walked snow began to fall, sticking to the ground around them.
"Ma what's this?" Sophia pointed to the ground.
"Its snow baby" she told her. They stopped in an open park and watched the snow fall, once there was enough Connor showed Sophia how to make a snowball, and demonstrated how to throw it. Sophia scurried around, collecting as much snow as she could.
"Stay close buba, it's dark" Ava called out.

Ava nestled into Connors side with Amelia in his arms, her wheelchair next to the bench he was sat on.
"Connor" Ava exhaled, lifting her head from his shoulder.
Ava pursed her lips, "I invited your sister to Christmas dinner at ours"
"What?" He gasped, "Ava-"
"Let me explain, okey. I wanted her to come, she shouldn't have to be alone for the holidays. And I wanted to tell you so you wouldn't be blindsided if she dose show up. She hasn't gotten back to me"
Connor exhaled shortly, a cloud of steam forming from the cold.
"Thank you for telling me. But Avey, after everything she did?" He sighed.
"Connor, who do you think called the cops?" She reminded him.
Connor turned to look at Sophia as she ran in the snow.
"I think she deserves a second chance" Ava took his hand.
Connor looked back to Ava and smiled to her.
"No more lies?" Ava brought the back of his hand to her lips.
"No more lies." He agreed.

Something came flying at them as Ava and Connor shrieked. Ava laughed a a second snow ball hit Connor in the ear. "Oh, I'm going to get you!" He called after sophia, chasing her down.
"Your daddy's a silly one, isn't he baby" she cooed, holding Amelia under her jacket.
Connor caught Sophia in his arms, giving her a piggy back ride to the bench. As Sophia played with his hair and snowball landed him square in the chest.
Ava laughed at the confused look on Connors face, Connor broke into a smile, seeing how radiate Ava was in this moment. "Come on" he kissed her, "you'll catch your death out here"

Connor put Amelia back into her baby carrier and Ava pulled Sophia onto her lap. Connor wheeled them back to her house, with Sophia dosing in and out as they went down the footpaths.
Ava looked up to see him, gazing happily at her husband.
"I love you"
Connor looked down at her cheeky smile, "I love you too, My Avey Bekk-"
Ava gave him a look and he correct himself. "My Avey Rhodes" he stopped to lean down and kiss her forehead.


Ava woke slowly, still feeling groggy from sleep.
"Merry Christmas, Avery" she heard someone whisper next to her and her eyes snapped open. Ava smiled and move to lean over Connor, kissing him softly.
"Merry Christmas, Connor"
"This is our first Christmas as a family" he told her.
"First of many" she promised.
Ava pulled Connor into her side, Ava nestled closer to him, getting more and more mobility back after fighting off her infection.
"You know yesterday was the last day you'd need oxygen?" He whispered to her as she lay her head on his chest.
"Best Christmas present you could ever give me" she exhaled, happy to be free of that tank.
"Oh, so do you not want the present I got you?" He teased.
"Later. I just want you in my arms" She gave him a squeeze.
Just as things calmed down there was a pitter patted along the floor before their door shot open.

"ITS CHRISTMAS!" Sophia roared at them, throwing herself on the bed.
"Good morning princess" Connor held his arm out for Sophia to snuggle into his side.
"Geseënde Kersfees*" Sophia said to Ava, holding onto Connors arm. (Merry Christmas)
"Geseënde Kersfees, buba" Ava reaches out to booping Sophia's nose.
"Should we go see if Kersvader** came to see you?" Ava whispered. (Santa**)
"Yes" Sophia jumped off the bed.
"Wait for Pa, buba" Ava called after her. Connor placed a hand of her back and helped her sit up in bed. "I'm okey" she assured him, "I'll get Amelia, you bring Sophia down"

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