Chapter 18- The surgery

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Connor woke up in Ava's bed, warm daylight spilling through the curtains. He turned hoping to catch a still sleeping Ava, but found the bed empty. Opening his eyes fully he saw Ava standing in front of her full length mirror in a set of black underwear.
"I miss waking up to see this every morning" Connor smiled, sitting up on the bed.
Ava turned to see him awake, "Admiring you handy work" she said, nodding to her thigh.
Ava strolled over to Connor, taking her hips in his had he analysed the stitches, breathing softly onto her skin. Connor lightly kissed down her skin along the recovered slash, so tactile. 
"I don't think it will scar" Ava joked running a hand through his hair.
"No, I wouldn't let it, to valuable of goods to let it scar" Connor teased, clinging onto her hips.
"Why did I ever let you go" he sighed looking up at her.
"Don't dwell on the past, Cowboy, you have me and Sophia now"
"You ready for the surgery?'
"Ready as I'll ever be" she kissed him.


"Heats on bypass, their ready to go" Ava says calmly.
The team did one last echo to make sure everything was in the right place when the noticed something.
"There's a mass in baby B's heart, I can't make out what it is" one of the doctors calls.
"It's a muscular ventricular septal defected" Ava pointed out, looking to Connor
"Alright people, we've done this before, we've trained for it"
The OR was dead quite as Connor used a trans-catheter VSD closer device. The only sound in the room was the beeping of bypass machines and light breathing.
A light click came over the room, as everyone help their breathe.
"Patch is in place" Connor called.
Ava let out a sigh of relief as they carried on with the operation, knowing that there was even more pressure on her then normal with the operation and the publicity that comes with it.
"Thank you Dr. Bekker, for getting us to run a practice in the event of a muscular ventricle septal defect. I believe you may have just saved these babies lives" Connor said looking at her over his mask, knowing if he didn't say something he would be given all the credit.
"All in a days work, Dr. Rhodes" Ava smiled behind her mask.

The surgery was a success, they managed to repair the walls of the heart, separating the two twins. They still had a long road ahead of them in the NICU, but at lest now they could live independently.
Ava started scrubbing out when Connor came to join her. "You were amazing in their Avery"
Connor smiled joining her at the sink. "Aren't I always" she joked.
"I'm seriously Ave, those babies are alive because of you" Connor looked at her lovingly as she smiled in return. "The walls have eyes" she reminded him sweetly, being very aware of the officials that had been watching the surgery and were very likely still watching them.
Connor bumped hips with Ava, he couldn't wait to get home with her.
The door to the scrub in room suddenly swung open, making Ava and Connor jump.
Jay and Haliey barged in suddenly with Goodwin in toe.
"Ava Bekker we'd like to ask you some questions down at the station" Haliey told her
"I've just come out of surgery, can this not wait"
"We're afraid not"
Ava looked between Jay and Goodwin who both stayed silent.
"What is this in relation to" Ava asked, irritated that no one was speaking.
"New evidence has come to light in the murder of Cornelius Rhodes, we'd like to ask you some questions"
"She was acquitted three years ago" Connor argued defensively.

Ava looked to Jay for guidance, "This is the easy way Ava, there's a mob of press waiting outside to interview you about the surgery, if you come with us now we'll go out the back, no one will know" he assured her.
Ava nodded drying her hands slowly. Turning to Connor she placed a hand on his shoulder, "Everything will be fine Connor, do the press conference, tell them I was tired from the surgery and I'm recovering. Take the key from my locker, pick up Sophia. Let yourself into my apartment, theirs food in the freezer I'll be back when this is all ironed out" Ava said confidently, pulling away from him.
"Avery" Connor called softly after her as she left.
Ava turn giving him a nod of encouragement before leaving with Haliey and Jay. Connor rushed out of the room after them, but Goodwin held him back with a hand to chest.
"Connor, let her go"

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