Chapter 51- Home invasion

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Twenty-five weeks

Today was a very rare event, Ava had the day off. She has been scheduled for a day off but hadn't intended to take it since Connor would be in work and she'd be alone. Connor however talked her into it, with discussion of movie marathon, warm baths and more importantly, sleep.
Ava still got up in the morning to help get Sophia on the road and ready in the morning. "Goodbye my loves, I can't wait to hear about your days when you come back" She hugged them both. "Bye bye mummy, bye bye buba" Sophia poked Ava's belly's.
"Clever girl" Ava leaned down to kiss Sophias temple, unable to lift her even in the early stances of pregnancy.
"We better get going" Connor reminded Ava.
"Okey, I love you" She kissed him, "And don't do any fun surgery's without me"
"I won't, in in the ED today, I promise" Connor threw his hands into the air.
"I love you, and you" Connor said, kissing Ava and her belly goodbye.

Once that was done Ava crawled back into the warmth of her bed, already missing her personal hot water bottle. Ava stretched out on the bed, taking up as much room as she wanted under the covers. She feel back to sleep, a content smile on her lips.
Her extra hours of sleep were promptly disturbed by a pounding on the door.
"I'm coming, I'm coming" Ava called, throwing a house coat on groggily to go answer the door. The pounding persisted so Ava pulled the latch open on the door, before even looking through the peep hole.
A body fell backwards against her, pushing her back. Before Ava could even react four men stormed into the apartment.
Just as Ava opened her mouth to scream she felt cool metal touch her breastbone.
"You don't scream, you don't die. Got it" A man said coolly to her, pointing a gun to her chest.
Ava kept her face neutral, this wasn't the first time she'd been at gun point, but certainly the first time in her own home.
A second man closed the door and bolted it again behind him. Ava closed her eyes, hearing the click of the metal, knowing their was no escape unless it was on their terms.
Without breaking eye contact with the man in front of her, Ava slowly turned her engagement ring around in her finger. Hiding the stone in her palm, making it out to be a common gold band.

"What do you want?" She asked calmly, acting like she was just back with the military.
"Our buddy" the man gestured to the body in the floor with his gun, "fix him"
Ava's eyes fell to the body on her wood floors, he'd been shot and was loosing blood.
"Get him up onto the counter" she said, knowing she'd never be able to lift him.
When no one moved she stressed it, "Now"
The man in front of Ava gave to nod to the others, and they lifted their buddy onto the kitchen counter. While they did that Ava gave a tug at the draw string of her robe, loosing it to hide her bump.
Ava turned to go down the hall, before a third man jumped out in front of her, "Where do you think your going, pretty thing?" He asked sinisterly .
Ava stood her ground, she'd dealt with creeps like him before, "I need my medical bag, or do you want your friend to die?" Ava asked in her classic Bekker wit, the only form of protection she had.
The mans face hardened before her, "Mouth, go with her" he barked at the youngest in the group.
Ava walked past him, but not without him bumping into her. Ava went into the bedroom to fetch her medical bag, with "mouth" in toe. Ava rooted around in her closed for a bit, even though she knew the exact location of the bag. She was stalling, hoping Mouth would lose interest in her and she'd get a moment alone.

As if on cue a crash came from the kitchen, causing mouth to run out of the room. Ava kept down from in front of her wardrobe and ran to her nightstand.
Flicking on her phone she pulled up Jay's number.

To Jay Halstead:
Home invasion. SOS 🆘

Dropping the phone Ava buries it under some books on her bedside table and throws her ring under the bed. Looking up she met Mouth's eyes from under his ski mask.
"Found it" Ava laughed causality, hoping he hadn't seen her.
Rushing back into the kitchen Ava got to work, feeling the burning gaze of the men and their guns around her. Ava cut away the mans jeans to get to the bullet wound. It was deep in his thigh but someone had made a tourniquet to slow the bleeding.
"So their not completely useless. Nice to know"

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