Chapter 58- Interruptions

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Twenty-seven weeks

Ava shut the car door behind with a thump, clicking her set let in place she waved off to Sophia from the school gate. Connor blew her a kiss before they drove away.
Ava settled into her seat, placing both hands on her bump.
"I suppose theirs need to do a pregnancy announcement, all of Chicago knows" Ava said as they drove. It was their first day back to med after the home invasion. Connor had his hand in Ava's knee as they drove, sliding it up her thigh he took her hand.
"No, but we still have an engagement announcement" he reminded her, feeling the cool of her ring.

Getting out the the car Connor once again took Ava's bag, refusing to let her lift anything. Kissing her curls Connor placed a hand on Ava's waist pulling her into his side.
"Ava" Maggie's shirked, running around from the nurses station. Maggie threw her arms around Ava, pulling her out of Connors grasp.
"It's so good to have you back" she told her, pulling away, "And look at you" she placed two hands securely on Ava's now clear bump.
"Nice to be back to, Maggie" Connor joked from behind Ava.
Lockwood shook her head playfully, "You know we missed you too, Rhodes" she threw her arms around Connors neck.
"Ava" Nat greeted her, pulling her into a tight hug. "Congratulations"
Natalie pulled back, keeping a hand on Ava's arm, "How have you been" she asked softly, not wanting the whole ED to hear.
Ava gave a few short nods, "Yeah I'm okey now, they got all the men involved"
"Yeah, I saw all the papers. I'm sorry" Natalies face turned to disgust.
"It's fine, Connor got a full retraction from all of them. All the photos have been taken down. I was more offended that they could never seem to spell my name right" Ava brushed it off with a laugh.
Nat gave Ava one more quick hug before letting her go.

"Although we didn't get to announce Ava's pregnancy, we do have one more announcement" Connor told their friends.
Ava held up her hand to revealed her gold ring, shimmering in the hospital light.
There was a series of auditable gasps from around the ED before cheers and hugs all around.

After saying goodbye to her fiancé Ava made her way up to the CT doctors lounge get her first tea of the day. A knock came over the door and Ava turned her head.
"I hear congratulations are in order" Sharron said, waking towards her with open arms. Ava welcomed her into a hug, happy to be back in the familiarity of the hospital.
"How did you find out so quickly?"
"Please it's a hospital, we know everything" Sharron joked.
Ava smiled, "He proposed the day we got him home from hospital. He had a plan to propose one night after work but those men seemed to have interrupted that" Ava said bitterly.
"He actually proposed twice. After the invasion I lost my ring, and when we got its back he could actually get down in one knee" Ava smiled, holding her bare finger.
"Oh I can't wait, another wedding at Med. And a new addition to the family. Can I?" Sharron asked, gesturing to her belly.
Ava nodded and Sharron placed a hand on top of her bump.
"It's a girl"

Sharron smiled, grateful for Ava's newfound happiness. She took her into another hug.
"You know I have to reduce your hours now" she said over Ava's shoulder.
"It was fun while it lasted" Ava sighed.


"Scalpel to me" Ava called, holding out her hand. It was a simple enough surgery but one that required an extra set of hands, so she got to call in her favourite surgeon.
"Do your need some water Dr. Bekker?" Connor suggested, knowing she'd been on her feet for a while.
"I'm quite alright Dr. Rhodes" Ava looked at him over her mask.
Behind Beth's mask Ava could she her smiling at this interaction.
"Anything of interest happening in the ED?"
"Oh not, it's a very S-L-O-W day, don't want to jinx it. And besides Dr. Bekker you know CT is my favourite floor" he teased her.
Ava rolled her eye and continued with the surgery as she was the lead. Ava was just about to go in with some tweezers when she suddenly froze.
"Dr. Bekker?" Beth asked, unsure of what had happened.
Ava pulled her hands back from over the patient and looked down.
"What's wrong?" Connor asked in a panic.
Ava shook her head and returned her hands to over the patient to get back to work.
"Ava what happened, was it the-"
"I'm fine Connor" she told him, shaking it off and getting back to closing the patient.

When the surgery was done Ava left first and Connor found her in the scrub room.
"Ava what was that in there, what's going on"
Ava dried her hands on a towel and threw it into the wash basket. Taking Connors had suddenly she placed it on her bump. Connor kept his hand their, unsure of what Ava was doing when he suddenly felt something push out to meet his palm.
"Is that?" Connor didn't want to get his hopes up.
"Yes" Ava smiled to him.
"She nearly kicked me in the lung mid way through surgery"
Connor pulled her into his arms, giving her a tight squeeze.
"I love you so much" he told her, never wanting to let her go.
Connors hand was still on Ava's bump, sandwich's between them when he felt another kick.
"She's strong like her mumma" he kissed Ava nose.

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