Chapter 48- Baby

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Twenty weeks

Ava opened her eyes slowly, feeling warm and toasty from sleep. Smiling Ava turned her head to look over at Connor, finding his pillow empty. Ava instead found him sitting cross legged next to her, gazing intently at Ava's exposed stomach.
"Well, that's in no way terrifying" Ava said, her accent clear from sleep.
"What exactly are you doing" Ava chuckled , stretching her arms above her head.
"Trying to figure out the perfect name for our princess" Connor told her, placing his chin in his hands.
"You don't look nearly this Concentrated in surgery" Ava laughed, sitting up in bed, her palms naturally making their way to her belly.
"What are the suggestions so far" Ava asked contently, she never would have believed three years ago that she would be here; back in Chicago and picking baby names for her and Connor Rhodes second child.

"We could go with Elizabeth, after your mother, if you want" Ava suggested pulling herself away from her thoughts.
"Who's meant to be choosing the name here again?" Connor teased, moving to sit against the head board with Ava, placing his hands tenderly on top of hers.
"No, I love my mother and I miss her everyday. But our girl should be her own person" Connor said.
"I was thinking Evelyn or Veronica"
"Your so sure it's going to be a girl?" Ava leaned her head onto Connors shoulder.
Connor circled his hand on her bump, "Still confident, I've got a sixth sense about this"
"We could do Elizabeth as a middle name"
"Let me worry about that baby, you've got all the hard jobs" Connor brushed his lips against the top of Ava's head.
"Maybe we'll have a third baby so I can name one again" Ava joked, leaning into Connor touch.
"I would be in no way objected" Connor told her as Ava shook her head playfully.

After getting breakfast they headed to the clinic, still wanting to keep the pregnancy as a surprise they opted for a private clinic.
"Ava Bekker" a nurse called her in.
"Hi their, I'm Dr. Daniels" he greeted them.
Ava lay down in the chair and Connor sat next to her.
"Is this your first one?" He asked careinly
"Second" Ava told him, "the nerves never ease off do they?"
Dr. Daniels shook his head lightly, "I'm afraid not"
Connor gave Ava's had a supportive squeeze, sensing how Anxious she was.
"It'll be okey, love" he leaned in to kiss her cheek, Ava's eyes latched onto the monitors. Everyone was quite and Ava held her breath as Daniels used the ultrasound. Just when Ava was losing hope a loud thumping came over the room.
"There we are, healthy heartbeat" he confirmed with a smile, turning the monitor to the couple.
Ava breathed a sigh of relief and physically relaxed, that was her babies heartbeat. Tears filled her eyes as he studied the monitor and saw the first look of her baby.

"Do you want to know the gender, I can make it out?"
"Yes" they both said enthusiastically.
"And it looks like it's a....... GIRL!" Daniels said enthusiastically. 
Ava and Connor both beamed at their gorgeous girl, "I'll go print you off some images" he excused himself, handing Ava a piece of tissue to clean her stomach with. Before Ava had a chance to reach of it, Connor intercepted it. Gently he wiped the gel off Ava's belly in slow curved motions.
"You did need to do that" Ava told him, smiling at the ticklish feeling of the tissue.
"Your not doing this alone Ave, remember" He told her, throwing the tissue in the bin. Turning back to Ava he had a huge grin on his face. Leaning in he kissed Ava's lips, keeping one hand in her belly. "I was right" he whispered, pulling away.
Ava hummed, placing a hand to her bump "Daddy dose have a sixth sense about these things"

Returning home Connor wouldn't even let Ava chop the vegetables when they were making lunch, insisting that she needs rest. "I can't help out with the actual pregnancy thing but I can make you more comfortable" he told her, sliding her over a glass of water.
Ava excepted it without protests, knowing this was his way of helping or with her pregnancy.
"We'll have to tell Sophia when she gets home, she'll be thrilled" Ava smiled, keeping two hands on her glass.
"Yeah we could start with Sophia and Claire" Connor said over his shoulder as he stirred the veg in the pan.
Ava felt a chill go down her spine as she remembered the day she found out she was pregnant. Noticing her sudden silence, Connor turned to face her.
"Claire already knows" She said slowly.
"Oh did you tell her while I was sick" Connor asked, referring to his coma.
Ava shifted uncomfortably in her seat, "Um, yeah, sort of. She walked in on me taking the test"
"She, eh. She wasn't to happy" Ava said uncertainly, remembering Claire's cruel words to her. That was the last time she had seen Claire, someone who she had really stated to see as a sister. Even when Connor was awake she came in at opposite times to Ava to avoid her.
"What do you mean?" Connor asked, furrowing his brows. Ava was never like this, uncertain.
"She called me a selfish bitch" Ava said, quietly sniffling. Claire's words clearly still effected her.
Without a word Connor came around the counter and pulled Ava's head to his chest. "It's the hormones" she defended, wiping away her tears.
"I can see why she was frustrated, I didn't think I could have kids after my injury with the military, but then I got so lucky with Sophia." Ava confessed. "I know how frustrating it must have been to see someone get pregnant so easily when you can't"
"Still Ave, she shouldn't have spoken to you like that" he told her, rubbing a soothing hand up and down her back.
"I'll talk to her so you don't have to. I'm sure she's calmed down by now. She's travelling in Asia the last I heard" he kissed the top of her head.
"You are not selfish for getting pregnant with our baby, your amazing"

After the had lunch they picked Sophia up from school together, which rarely happened as they were usually both working. Taking Sophia home they sat her down in the sofa.
"Sophia we have surprise" Connor smiled at her, sliding the photo onto the table.
"Sophia, remember mommies book, with all the funny photos of my in my belly?" Ava asked. Sophia looked between Ava and the photo.
"Baby" she pointed to the back and white photos. Connor nodded with glee, "Baby" Sophia said again pointing at Ava's belly.
"Baby sister" Ava told her, placing a hand on her small bump.
"Baby sister" Sophia shrieked suddenly, deafening the whole house.
"Baby sister, baby sister, baby sister" Sophia chanted running around the house.

Connor bent his brows at Ava's words, "What book?"
Ava gave him a puzzled look before gasping, "I never showed you"
Ava got up from the sofa and went into their bedroom. Rooting around in her side of the wardrobe she pulled out a shoebox. Returning to Connor she pushed the dust off the tops of it with a steady breath.
"One of my friend at Groote Shur made me this" Ava smiled, taking out a colourful photo album. Handing it to Connor she carefully opened the first page.

"Ava returns home 💓" was wrttien in glitter ink, accompanied by a photo of Ava coming through arrivals at Capetown.

The second page was Ava in the break room with three women he didn't recognise and a picture of a ultrasound scan. "Ava tells us about miracle baby"

Connor ran his thumb over the scan, he couldn't imagine how the little girl running around his apartment was once this small little bean.

The next page was various images of Ava, where you could see her bump grow and grow under her scrubs. Connor felt tears prick his eyes as he watched his daughters development through these images.

On one page a list of various foods were in one corner,
"Ava's weird pregnancy cravings this month"
-Green jelly babies
-Porridge with just sugar 🤢
-Peanut butter sandwiches

Connor watched Ava's bump develop, and even saw her change into dress scrubs to better accommodate her belly. Until eventually he turned the page, and their they were, his girls, nestled softly in a hospital bed.

Connor turned over the last page, and to his shock found a phot of he and Ava at a press conference after the first conjoined twin surgery. They were posing for a photo, Connor hand his arm around ava's waist and they were smiling to each other.
"Ava + Baby daddy" was written underneath.

"She got that photo off an old news article, I completely forgot that was in there" Ava defend but was quickly silenced by Connor pulling her towards him, showering her with quick passionate kisses.
"Your amazing Ava Bekker" he told her, silencing any worries she had with his light touch.

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