Chapter 72- Bath

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It had been two weeks since Ava gave birth to her sunshine. Amelia was such an easy baby since the mango incident, always giggling and smiling. She only cried when she wanted a feeding and change or was to cold. Amelia, just like Ava and Sophia didn't seem to have the same resistance to the cold that Connor had.

The doorbell ran suddenly and Connor went to go answer it.
"Hey Nat, how are you?"
"I'm good yeah, I didn't wake Amelia did I?"
"No, no. She's up and playing. What are you doing here?" Connor asked.
"You and Ava asked me over?" She remind him.
"Oh of course, sorry. Baby brain" he stood back to let her into the house.
Ava was in the living room, moving around with more mobility then she had two weeks ago. Amelia was on a baby mat doing tummy time and Ava lay on the floor on her back next to her.
"Once you become real you can't become unreal again. It lasts for always" Ava read out load.

"The velveteen rabbit?" Connor question coming into the living room.
"Alan used to read it to me. Never too early to start her on my favourite classics list" Ava smiled looking up to him. She spotted another figure next to Connor, titling her head back to see who it is.
"Nat" she smiled, "oh I asked you to come over. I forgot sorry"
"It's okey, I get it, having a new born is a lot" Nat smiles.
"We need to get you back to bed, Avery. A floor isn't good for a new mother" Connor tells her, standing over her and Ava frowned up to him. Connor leaned down you to scoop Ava up in his arms, "You two can catch up while you rest in bed, Avery" he tells her.
"Is that okey with you?" Ava asked from his arms.
"Yes, You do need to rest, especially your lower back" Nat tells her.
"This is what I get for befriending all doctors" Ava grumbles as Connor carries her up the stairs.

Connor lays her down carefully on their bed and Natalie sits on the other side of the bed. Ava moved to sit up on the bed before Connor forced her back down by her shoulder, "you can't sit up Avey" he kisses her forehead. Connor glanced at Nat, give her a nod to look after Ava while we was gone.
Ava prods herself up in her elbows, "he worries to much" she shakes her head.
"Ava you did have major abdominal surgery" Nat reminds her, rooting in her bag. Ava exhales shortly lowering her back to the mattress again.
Natalie pulls out a bar of chocolate and some magazines from her bags, handing them to Ava.
"You know me so well" she smiles up to her friend, breaking off some chocolate.
"So Avery, Avey, him carrying you up the stairs. Is Dr, Rhodes always this lovey dovey?" Nat smiles, shocked to have seen this other side of Connor.
"My feet have barely touched the ground in two weeks" smiling sheepishly Ava opens one of the magazines.

"Bridal magazines?" Ava questioned, sucking on the chocolate.
"You are going to be a bride" Nat reminded her.
Ava smiled and bit her lip like a child, "I'm going to be a bride"

Natalie and Ava sat and chanted for hours flicking through magazine after magazine. Connor could hear hysterical laughter every so often from the bedroom. Connor approached the door finding Ava with her head on Natalies lap.
"Don't look" Ava gasped, covering the read magazines with a blanket.
"What's that?" He questioned.
"Girl stuff" Nat smiles to him.
"Oh, wedding stuff" he nodded, finally understanding.

"Is everything okey?" Ava asked, noticing Amelia in his arms.
"She's okey, but I think she wants a feed" Connor glanced down to her as she tried to find a source of food. Ava pushed herself off Natalies lap, managing to pull two pillows under her back to feed her daughter.
"Do you mind if I?" Ava asked before she pulled her shirt down.
"Oh, no, I'm fine with it if you're comfortable with it"
Ava pulled down her shirt and Amelia nestled into her chest.
"I'll be back when your done to change her diaper and put her down for a nap" Connor tells them, kissing Ava's and his daughters temple.
Connor pulled back the blanket by Ava's feet, trying to catch a glimpse at some of the magazines before a rolled up magazine came down beside his hand.
"No peaking Dr. Rhodes" Nat scolded him.
Connor threw his hands up in surrender, winking to Ava before he left.

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