Chapter 53- Safety

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"Sophia" Ava greeted her from the end of the hall. Sophia came leaping into Ava's arms and she spun her around. Ava had gotten changed into a pair of Connors sweatpants and an old t-shirt he had left here.
Connor came down the stairs to great them, welcoming his family into his arms. Ava handed Sophia off to Connor and went to go greet Jay at the door.
Ava's eyes watered as she took him into a hug. Unable to communicate what she wanted to say, Jay just held her close.
"You okey?" He asked.
Ava pulled away, nodding her head, "Thank you for getting there so quickly"
Jay huffed a bit, "No Av, we could have gotten to you quicker if I had just-"
Ava interrupted him by pulling him back into a hug. Jay relaxed in her arms, knowing she was safe.

Carlita takes Sophia into the kitchen to get a snack while Connor and Ava stay to talk to Jay.
"We have all five suspects in custody, three are injured but nothing that would do long term damage. We would like Ava to give a statement to us when ever your ready, just so we can get an idea of what happened"
"They thought I was some sort of mob doctor, I don't know how they got my address. They wanted me to fix up their friend that was shot in the leg. One of them recognised Connor from a photo we had of us after the first conjoined twin surgery" Ava said.
"I can give you a full statements later"
"Yeah, just rest up and look after each other" he told them, happy for his friends safety.

After Jay left they got Sophia settled into her room, they weren't sure how long they would be here. Connor and Ava watched from the doorway as Sophia ran about examining the new space.
"This was my room when I was a boy" Connor said, keeping his eyes on Sophia.
Ava smiled, the room was blue with a child's bed, a few toys and a desk. Ava could imagine a younger Connor working hard for his exams in school at that desk.
"Wait dose that mean our room was your fathers?" Ava asked, a note of concern in her voice as they turned away from Sophias room.
"Oh, no, no, no. Our room is the guest room. My parents old room is down the hall"
Ava let out a breath, the memory of Ava's part to play in his death still made her fell sick to her stomach. Never mind the idea of her sleeping in his bed, with his son after his death.

Connor and Ava made their way to an open living space and found themselves in a love seat together. Connor, as always, pulled Ava onto her lap and wrapped and arm around her. Ava rested her head in Connors neck, as she had done so many times.
"About my father Ava" Connor said suddenly.
Ava jerked a bit at his  mention. "I was clearing out his office after his passing, and I found a pile of medical journals and magazines. At first I was happy, I thought that he had secretly cared about my career and this was his way of keeping track of it. It wasn't until after you left that I really looked at the journals. They were all about Cardiothoracic surgeons and most had articles about me in them, but every single magazine, journal, article, they were all about you Ava. I think my dad really did care for you, in some sick, twisted way. I think he used the money for the Hybrid OR to keep you close to him" Connor pulled Ava tighter to him, knowing this mustn't be easy for her to hear.
"He certainly had a strange way of showing it" she breathed bitterly, remembering Mr. Rhodes's behaviour. Connor kissed Ava's neck lightly, knowing how it soothes her, keeping one had securely on her bump.

It's was going on late evening and there was no food in the house as they weren't expected visitors , so Connor decided to order a pizza. Settling in the sofa they watched the Parent Trap. With Ava being pregnant Sophia couldn't lay on her chest, so Sophia lay on Connors chest, hugging him tight, while Ava curld into Connors side. Ava and Connor both had a hand on Sophia's back and Connor has an arm around Ava's waist.
By the second act most of the pizza was gone and Ava was dosing in and out. Connors attention was drawn away from the screen by a knock on the door.
"I'm heading off Mr. Rhodes" Carlota said from the door way.
"Have a good night Carlita, and call me Connor, you practically raised me" he told her.
Carlota smiled to herself, "I'm glad you found your family, Connor"
She left without another word, but Connor knew exactly what she meant. Ava and him were family, the had started one together, and Connor had long ago realised that he and Ava were cut from the same cloth.

Towards the end of the movie Ava stirred, waking up in the same position she fell asleep in.
"Hello sleepy head" Connor leaned his head over to brush his lips against her forehead. Ava smiled contently at him, she wanted to stay here, in this moment with them forever. Ava sat up to kiss the back Sophia's head who was still fixated on the movie but was yawning frequently.
"I think it's time for bed buba" she told her as the credits rolled. Sophia sat up in Connors chest, rubbing her eyes. Connor scooped Sophia up and held her at his side. Carrying Sophia up the stairs she waved back to Ava who followed behind them.
Connor got Sophia changed into yet another old t-shit since they had no clothes for her in this house, it was over sided enough that it looked like a nightdress in her.
"Goodnight Sophia" Ava got down on her knees to brush the hair off Sophias forehead. Ava plates a kiss on Sophias forehead before standing back up.
"Night Princess" Connor side before flicking off the light to her room, leaving the door a jar.

Ava and Connor got ready for bed and brushed their teeth in the en-suite in their room. Walking out of it together Ava turned to face him, bring her lips to press against his. Connor was surprised by the sudden contact but returned the kiss. Wrapping their arms around each other, Connor walked Ava back against the wall with a little thump.
"Connor" Ava whispered, her hands chaotically roaming Connors back. Ava began to nip at his neck as he held her tight.
"Avey are you sure?" He asked, still concerned about Ava's state after the day.
Ava kissed his lips swiftly, "You said you wanted to keep me close" she remind him with a smirk. Connor kissed her devilish grin, pulling her up against his chest. Carrying her to the bed he gently placed her in her back. They were definitely; close, all night.

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