Chapter 81- Sirens

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"Ava!" Connor scream, running towards the door without a second thought. He could hear voices calling him back but all he could focus on was that door. As he reached it he hurriedly tried the handle, giving up to kick the old door in. Connor was engulfed in smoke, crouching low to get out of it.
"Ava!" He coughed, the smoke burning his eyes.

Connor saw something I front of him, a hand sticking out of a tarp.
"Ava, we have to go" he grabbed the hand, only to find it detached.
Connor gasped in fear, taking in more smoke only to notice it was a Mannequin arm.
Connor turned back in the smoke, shifting towards a dark showdown before him. Connor felt around, fining the tire of his car.

"Ava" he coughed, moving towards the wall.
Connor slid on his knees, spotting her laid in the corner, her arms out before her like she way trying to get away. Connor pulled his hand away from his mouth, placing one on either side of her face.
"Ava, Ava stay with me!" He pled.
Connor moved to pull her up, only find some resistance, placing her back down he found her ankle shackled to an old pipe with handcuffs.
Sick basteard

Connor grabbed the pipe, hissing as it burned his hand. He pulled of his jacket, wrapping it around the pipe as he ripped out the old screws from the wall. He grabbed Ava in his arms, running out the door he had came in.
Connor coughed and wheezed as he spotted the ambulance and the fire truck outside.
"Is that everyone?" Kelly asked as he approached.
"I think so, I'm not sure?"
"We have the offender fleeing into the Chicago about five minutes ago" he heard a cop whisper to one of the firemen.
"Alright, hit it" Kelly signaled for them to start the water.

Connor laid Ava down on a gurney, "I need oxygen and saline" he told Gabbie.
"Connor I can take it from here" she told him.
"Let's get you check out Brett tried to lead him away.
"No", he pulled back, "help Ava first, I'll be-" Connor stopped to cough again, "fine"
Brett turned to help Gabbie with Ava.
"She's borderline hypothermic, we need to get her to hospital and get her dry"
"Connor" Gabbie nodded and he hoped in the back of the ambo while Brett drove.
Connor held onto Ava's hand tightly, kissing the back of it. He used the side of his hand to wipe some soot off her face. Ava's eyes flicked open and her hand came to her face, pulling her oxygen mask off.
"Ava" he smiled, happy to see her eyes open.
"Keep it on" he tried to put her mask back.
Ava nodded her head slightly, "I told you" she said softly.
"I'll always come back to you, Connor" she breathed sleepily, squeezing his hand as her eyes closed.

"Ava, Ava?!" Connor touched her cheek.
"She's going into shock" Gabbie called as they pulled into med.
"Ava Bekker, 31, unknown injuries, borderline hypothermic, malnourished and dehydrated" Gabbie called as they rolled her in.
"Okey lets get her warmed up slowly, I want a full chest X-ray, check for broken bones" Ethan commanded coming into the room.

"Connor I want to check you out for smoke inhalation" Maggie said calmly coming over to him. They opened the partition between their rooms so Connor would still see Ava.
Connor sat on the bed and watched as they examined her, only speaking to give Maggie short one word answers to her questions.
"Where are they taking her" he put his hand in Maggie shoulder.
"Did you not hear me, I said they were taking her up to a room" Maggie tells him.
"You can go up with her" she patted his hand.
"Can you come up with me?" He asked softly.
Maggie nodded, "April take over for me for a minute"
April nodded having seen Connor and Ava come in, knowing exactly what had happened.

Maggie held Connors arm and walked him up to Ava's room.
Maggie rubbed his arm, watching Ava in her bed.
"You got it from here?"
"Yeah" he smiled.
Maggie left and Connor went into the room, sitting next to Ava. Her eyes were closed and had an oxygen tube in her nose. Connor kissed the back of her hand and up her wrist and arm.
"My girl" his tears ran down his face and onto her arm.

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