A new world

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"In order to protect both the Allspark, and secure Unicron's defeat, it was necessary for me to empty the vessel's contents." Optimus explained as he stood before the Autobots with the sun rising behind him.

"Into where?" Bumblebee asked.

Optimus looked down at his chest. "The Matrix of Leadership, as such, my own spark can no longer be separated from the multitude of others within me."

"Are you telling us that you are now...one with the Allspark?" Ratchet asked in shock and disbelief.

"That's what you say when someone kicks the..." Smokescreen tried to joke, but then looked at his leader in disbelief.

"To not return the Allspark to the Well," Optimus continued, "would be to prevent future generations of new life from existing on Cybertron. My quest must be completed."

"Optimus, I didn't return to save a life, only to lose the one I care most about." Ratchet said, his voice sounding broken.

"Ratchet's restored planets; he'll find a way to save you." Bulkhead reassured.

"We can turn to Vector Sigma, just like we did before." Arcee suggested, hoping that would be a solution.

"Because the Matrix must now be relinquished with the Allspark, it cannot be restored, or passed down to another. But while this very well marked the end of the Age of Primes, leadership can be earned, with or without the Matrix. And in my view you have each acted as a Prime." Optimus stated.

"Well I never really had the best role models," Knockout smiled sheepishly.

"As even Megatron has demonstrated on this day," Optimus continued, "every sentient being possesses the capacity for change." Optimus activated the jet wings on his back. "I only ask of this of you fellow Autobots: keep fighting the noblest of fights."

"You can count on us to keep the peace." Bumblebee reassured.

Optimus smiled at his team for the last time. The jet wings on his back created power, and Optimus flew high into the high. The Autobots watched in sadness as Optimus turned around and flew down towards the core of their planet: to Primus himself.

As Optimus saw Primus awaiting him, he opened his chest, revealing the Matrix of Leadership. As he was almost to the core, he began to think to himself. He was happy. He was happy that the fighting was finally over. He can die happy knowing that he brought back and saved the planet that gave him life. He knew his comrades would keep the peace. He had complete faith in them.

He closed his eyes and a small smile formed on his face as he let warm light consume him.

* * *

Optimus groaned as he slowly opened his optics. His vision was blurry, but when it cleared up, he was looking up at the clear blue sky with a couple of small clouds. Optimus widened his eyes in shock. Cybertron didn't have any clouds last time he checked. Matter-of-fact, what was he even doing? Alive?! He was supposed to be dead, or with Primus in the core, with his body gone.

Optimus tried to get up, but his helm felt like it was spinning. He slowly got up, to prevent any way of making the headache worse. He rubbed his helm as he groaned in slight pain, but he suddenly noticed something off. He looked at his hand and arm and widened his optics. It wasn't his form that he was in when he was back on Cybertron. His arm actually looked like his old form. He looked over at the rest of his body. He didn't look robust at all. He looked slim and he didn't feel any weight on his back. Was he...

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