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Eren looked in surprise at the small house before he, Mikasa, Connie, and Sasha walked inside.

"I can't believe we have to clean this place," Connie grumbled, "Fucking Captain Levi with his straight face saying 'This place better be fucking spotless you brats.'"

"After everything that's happened, I'm glad that we just have to clean some dusty old house," Sasha admitted.

"I'll go chop some wood," Mikasa informed.

"Wait," Eren began, "We should probably clean the inside of the house. Levi wants to make sure that every corner of the house is clean, so we might as well get the inside out of the way."

"Well, we will need fire for dinner tonight, and I'm the only one with the strength to cut the wood," Mikasa retorted.

"Um, Sasha, quick question," Connie began before pointing to the bow and arrows placed on her back, "Why the hell do you have those in the house?!"

"What kind a stupid question is that?" Sasha yelled, "So I have some form of defense against that fucking Flying Titan! I will shoot that monster in its eyes if it comes near me!"

"Sasha, why do you react strangely around him?" Mikasa asked with curiosity, "You seemed to react like that when you came near Optimus as well."

"You could sense Optimus?" Eren asked in surprise.

Sasha scanned the area around them before running to the door and checking if anyone was outside.

"I don't know why I can sense them," Sasha admitted, "But I just can. Whenever I would sense Optimus, I would only sense pure energy. I could tell it was him even in those weird forms he has."

"Pure energy?" Eren questioned.

"Yeah," Sasha said, "There's this pure energy in his chest that...I don't even know what it is. It's just pure and untainted. That Flying Titan, he a completely different story."

"Whoa, hey Sasha," Connie said as he saw Sasha shivering with fear.

"That titan, it's just chaos," Sasha proclaimed, "Pure chaos. I could sense some dark energy in his chest from a mile away. That's ten times worse than Optimus."

Connie slightly gulped before looking at Eren and Mikasa for a solution to Sasha's breakdown.

"We should probably start cleaning. It'll probably get your mind off of it," Mikasa declared before grabbing the axe next to the door and walking out.

"C'mon," Connie said as he help Sasha regain her footing.

Eren remained quiet as he walked down the hallway to find some cleaning equipment. It didn't make sense. Optimus was acting stranger than ever, a lot more hostile at that. And from what's been going on, Megatron is considered bad news for everyone. It didn't make any sense.

Eren stopped as he looked down at the hatch that led to an underground bunker in the house. He grimaced before looking away. He didn't like the fact that the Colossal Titan was right under their noses as a prisoner.

Eren opened the closet and grabbed the broom inside. All this time he was sleeping next to the person who was responsible for his mom, and he could've ended it back then.

'Back then...,' Eren trailed off as he thought of the battle and Megatron's appearance. Who is he?

* * *

"So your assistant managed to draw what this new titan looked like," Pixis remarked to Hanji as he sat in his chair looking at the drawn picture, "I must say, he looks rather menacing than I thought he would be, especially compared to Optimus."

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