Energon Serum

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Eren watched as Hanji prepped the energon serum before handing the syringe to him. She then used her 3D gear to fly away from Eren. She landed on Optimus' shoulder as the other Survey Corp members waited with concern and anticipation. The only one who didn't care at all was Megatron, who was watching with boredom and apathy.

"Again, why am I here?" Megatron demanded.

"Because we need extra muscle in the event Eren goes out of control," Hanji responded, "And I know today is your day off."

Megatron rolled his optics and removed the shield from his back to defend himself. "Let's just get this over with."

Optimus didn't respond as he looked back at Eren. They did discuss this with Eren and Ymir the moment Hanji got the serum. Ymir decided to wait and see the results, which was understandable considering some of the reactions that Eren was having. Once the rest of the Survey Corps was confronted, there was concern and vocal opposition, mostly from Mikasa and Armin. Eren was the one who ultimately made the agreement to this. He personally didn't want this for Eren, but the island didn't have that much of a choice.

Eren was nervous as he lifted the syringe to his arm. He was going to be injecting more of this substance into his arm. He wasn't sure what too much exposure would do, and he wasn't sure how this would affect what he saw. But...if this could make him stronger, if there was a chance that it could change that horrific outcome, then it was a risk he was willing to take.

Eren injected himself with the serum, and the Survey Corps covered their eyes as blue lightning came and consumed him. Optimus quickly got in front of the Survey Corps to protect them from the force of the transformation. Eren's titan form appeared from thin air, and when his feet touched the ground, blue crystals began to form outwards in all directions. Some of them curved upwards and sprouted like trees without leaves.

Optimus grew more concerned, not expecting these kinds of results. He debated whether to go on the offensive or the defensive. Should he pull Eren out? Could he even reach Eren? Optimus took small steps back as the blue crystals came closer. Meanwhile, Megatron pulled out his sword, ready to go on the offensive, and thinking of multiple ways to disarm him.

Armin managed to open his eyes and gasped as the blue crystals began to encase Eren's titan form from the feet up. Eren noticed it too as he seemed to reach out towards them with his hand, but could move to them because he was locked in place.

"Eren!" Armin yelled.

Eren found himself in a dark void. He couldn't feel his body, and could only move his eyes to look around. He could hear some muffled speaking and was going to respond, but something else caught his attention. Something was coming towards him, walking toward him with their dark boots and black coat, but he couldn't see their face. Eren found something off about the way the being was walking and realized his vision was upside down. He was upside down. He wanted to speak, but for some reason he couldn't. He couldn't feel his lips. Eren grew tensed as the being reached out his hand towards him. What was it going to do? Get away! Get away!


Eren took a deep breath as someone pulled him out of his titan form. He blinked and his vision cleared to see Armin, Mikasa, and Hanji looking down at him with corner. He forced himself to sit up in their arms as he saw Levi standing above the hole with the Cybertronian blades equipped on his person.

"Well, it looks like regular blades are shit," Levi commented.

"Eren, are you alright?" Optimus asked him as Jean, Connie, and Sasha resided on his shoulders.

"What...happened?" Eren asked.

"Well...," Hanji trailed off, not knowing exactly how to explain this.

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