Getting Acquainted Part 1

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Eren watched with caution as Arcee and Wheeljack arrived at their experimentation sight. They were surrounded by a mix of trees and open fields with a lake nearby. The titan shifter looked over to see Ymir staring at them with a rather bored and irritated expression, most likely because she had to come all the way from the orphanage to be a part of the experiment this time around. Both Levi and Mikasa remained in the trees, energon spears fully equipped on their persons. The other Survey Corps members were on the ground, but were all on horseback with their 3D gear already prepared. Optimus was in his bipedal mode and Megatron was nowhere to be found.

"Hello, spectators!" Hanji exclaimed with joy to Wheeljack and Arcee, "Thank you for coming to our joint experiment for today!"

"And what exactly does this experiment include?" Arcee demanded.

"Endurance," Hanji replied, "We are here to test how long Eren and Ymir can last in their titan forms. Titan transformations already take a toll and the human body itself, so training their bodies to last longer in titan form would definitely benefit us in a combative situation."

Hanji turned to Eren and was about to call him over, but noticed that Eren looked rather nervous. If he was that nervous, he might not have the proper will to transform. In addition, Wheeljack and Arcee might not be comfortable with Eren's titan size. They were smaller than Optimus after all, so starting off with Ymir might be the better option. She was smaller, and her form might have some familiarity with the Sharkticon brought up.

"Ymir, would you like to deal with your titan transformation first so you can go back to the orphanage?" Hanji asked her.

Ymir groaned. "Fine. As long as this doesn't take too long."

Hanji gave her a 'thumbs up' as Ymir grabbed a small knife and walked forward. She gave the two of them an unamused expression before cutting her hand. Wheeljack and Arcee covered their faceplates as blue lightning consumed Ymir. Arcee managed to see Ymir's titan form appear out of thin air, her bones appearing first, then her muscles, and finally her skin. Fins grew out of her body while a tail formed behind her. Ymir roared as her rows of teeth grew sharper and claws formed around her hands and feet. When the transformation finished, Ymir stood on all fours and stared at the two titans. Arcee was completely taken off guard by the predicament while Wheeljack marveled at the sights.

"Satisfied?" Ymir asked.

"Holy slag, you can talk!" Wheeljack exclaimed.

"I know!" Hanji agreed with that same level of excitement.

"Wait, how is this even possible?!" Arcee demanded, "Humans can't do this!"

"This is a very specific ability only allowed to the Eldian person," Hanji explained, "That's part of the reason why the world sees us as devils. Ymir and Eren are two out of eight titan shifters. Well, technically nine, but that is a topic for another day. If an normal Eldian is turned into a titan, they are stuck as a mindless brute for all eternity, with the sole desire of turning back into a human."

"And how exactly would they be able to turn back into a human?" Arcee asked as Wheeljack approached Ymir who crawled back a little.

Hanji sucked in a breath. "Technically, cannibalism. A pure titan would have to eat a titan shifter in order to become human again and transform into a titan at will."

"Gross," Wheeljack commented as he poked Ymir who quickly swatted his servo away.

"Stop," Ymir told him.

"I...need a minute to process this," Arcee admitted.

"Fair enough," Hanji shrugged before turning to Ymir, "Let's go to the lake to see how fast you can swim."

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