The Restorationists

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Zeke and the others warriors watched as the Paradis soldiers boarded the three ships, one of which included his followers: the Eldian Restorationists. They wanted to see them off before heading off to the next battle. There was little vocal opposition in the plan, but he could see that some of them were worried about the situation. But it wasn't up for debate. The failure of the Paradis expedition and the loss of the Jaws Titans has led to this war. They needed to rectify that in order for Marley to remain a global superpower.

Zeke noticed Yelena was the last to board the ship, and she gave a subtle wink to him while the ropes holding the ship were being untied. The remaining soldiers and warriors saluted the soldiers on the ship as it made way to the island.

"Hopefully, they will return safely," Pieck said.

Zeke heard Reiner mumble something under his breath, something about doubt. Zeke had a gut feeling Reiner was talking about the mission and how it was going to be a failure. And he was right about that, because Zeke handed the plans over to the Flying Titan.

Those ships were not going to come back.



Optimus looked onward towards the horizon, noticing the very thin line between the sky and the sea. The titan looked behind him to see the Survey Corps setting up camp and preparing their weapons for the arrival of the Marleyans. According to Megatron, they were to arrive in two days with three military ships. There were no Eldians injected with the serum, so they didn't have to worry about titans running rampant. In regards to the strategy itself to invade the island, that was up for debate. Megatron knew that they would attack the south of the island, but he wasn't able to confirm the exact strategy.

Optimus felt someone hook onto his shoulder and saw Hanji landing there with her 3D gear.

"Transportation of all weaponry is complete," Hanji informed, "Now it's just sitting and waiting. Unfortunately, the only person that we know is a Restorationist is Yelena. We don't know how many on those ships will actually be part of that group."

"I'm certain they will reveal themselves once they arrive on the island," Optimus proclaimed, "The only thing we can do now is wait."

"Do you think Buckethead will come and help?" Hanji asked.

"I do not know," Optimus admitted, "If it was a full-fledged attack, then he would help."

"So he stays in Marley until further notice," Hanji sighed, "Or until the military can completely trust him to allow him to come back and forth to the island more freely."

"You do remember what I told you in regards to addressing Megatron, correct?" Optimus asked.

Hanji sighed. "Yes, I do. Under no circumstances are we to address Megatron by his actual name in the presence of the Eldian Restorationists and the Marleyans. But the question is: why? Why bother? It's not like the Marleyans are going to leave the island."

"It is a way to measure trust," Optimus explained, "Megatron does not trust Zeke Jaeger or his followers. If he does, then he will give his name as a way measure trust. It also wouldn't be wise to reveal his name, when reports state that Reiner, Annie, and Bertholdt do not know his name."

"Fine, but I'm going to keep calling him 'Buckethead'," Hanji proclaimed.

"Hanji," Optimus warned.

"To his face," Hanji continued.


"And when he orders me to stop, I'm going to say 'I thought you didn't like your name,'" Hanji imitated as she batted her eyelashes.

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