Coup D'état Part 5

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"It's Annie," Mikasa breathed as Megatron walked over to her.

"But, her arm," Armin began, "It grew back."

Megatron placed two fingers on Annie's neck. "She's still alive."

Megatron noticed the chains on her arms and feet and pulled out his sword. He covered the girl's mouth and sliced off her right arm. Annie let out a noise of pain while Megatron cut off her left arm. Mikasa grimaced at the sight while Armin looked like he was ready to throw up.

"This should prevent any transformation," Megatron declared before sheathing his sword and turning his attention to Armin, "Pax, how long does it take for the arms to regenerate?"

"It-" Armin quickly covered his mouth to prevent anything from coming out, "It should take-"

Annie cried out in pain as blue veins surrounded her eyes. The three looked in shock and horror as Annie's arms fully regenerated while the other two evaporated into thin air. Megatron grabbed her arm and examined it, noticing blue veins resembling the color of energon.

"Impossible," Megatron breathed, "She has energon in her systems."

"That's supposed to kill her," Armin declared, "How is she still alive and able to regenerate her wounds?"

Megatron grimaced as he unsheathed his sword. "Change of plans."

Armin quietly gasped as Megatron raised the blade towards Annie's neck.

"Wait!" Armin exclaimed, causing Megatron to stop his actions with the sword merely inches away from her neck.

"Armin, are you insane?" Mikasa demanded, "She's killed too many of our people!"

"If you say something along the lines of "everyone deserving a chance to redeem themselves", I swear to Primus I will punch you," Megatron declared.

"You said Bertholdt was dying," Armin retorted, "She's the only one that has any idea on where titans come from."

"But now she has some sort of immunity to energon, which is a danger to everyone within these walls," Megatron countered, "What happens if she escapes? What if her abilities are enhanced? What if she can survive the dangers that energon presents to a human? She would no doubt slaughter you all and report to wherever she's from about me and Optimus. That is a risk I can't take."

"But what about the secrets?" Armin demanded, "We may never get another opportunity like this again!"

"There may not be another opportunity if she escapes!" Megatron shouted.

"Hey, I hear noises from the basement," a muffled voiced said from above them.

"Damn," Mikasa cursed before turning to Megatron, "What do we do? We're out numbered."

Megatron thought it over as he removed his sword from Annie's neck. "Find anything in the room that can be used as a weapon."

Mikasa searched the room while Megatron ripped off Annie's remaining shackles. Armin began to panic are he heard footsteps making their way down to the basement. Mikasa opened a closet while Megatron slung Annie over his shoulder like a sack of flour.

"I found a box of gunpowder, matches, and more liquefied energon," Mikasa explained as she passed Megatron a glass container of the blue substance. Megatron took the container and examined the properties.

"At least this is something I can work with," Megatron declared before passing the container to Armin, "I need you to create a small trail of energon to the gunpowder from the entrance we came in through. Ackerman, hold on to the matches."

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