Alliance Part 2

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Zeke grew nervous as the Marley military approached headquarters two days later. The warrior in training made it back just fine. He even heard Magath saying Colt showed some promise. But that wasn't what he was worried about. He was worried that Matthew and Yelena wouldn't be back here. How long did the meeting with the island go anyway? Dammit!

The titan shifter was surprised; however, when he saw the two of them at the front gate. Zeke noticed Yelena had her arms wrapped around Matthew's right one while Matthew looked irritated as hell.

"I see you managed to bring Matthew back," Magath remarked as he walked up to them while the rest of the soldiers walked inside the compound.

"To our agreement," Yelena smiled, "And Matthew and I had a wonderful time, didn't we?"

"...splendid," Matthew hissed.

Magath then turned to Zeke. "We meet with the General soon. Rest up and be there in 30 minutes."

Zeke saluted Magath before the captain walked away. Zeke then turned to Matthew who immediately pulled his arm out of Yelena's grip.

"Do that again and I'll break it," Matthew warned in an ominous voice.

"Which one?" Yelena asked with a smile.

"Everything," Matthew answered.

"Can we meet in my office?" Zeke asked, not wanting to make a scene right now.



Erwin was lying on his couch, thinking over what the hell he just agreed to. He agreed that he would help Megatron in the event the alliance with Zeke turned south. But Megatron, of all beings?! What was he thinking?! He already gave his position to Hanji and he found out the truth his father theorized! Why was he throwing himself back into the crossfire again?!

"It must be so hard," Megatron began, "It must be so hard going to sleep at night, knowing every action you did led to an every bigger pile of mounting corpses. Knowing every action was practically in vain as they fought for a dream that never existed."

Erwin groaned to himself. Damn that titan. He forced himself to sit up as he remembered the conversation from last night.


"You need help," Megatron began.

Erwin looked at him in confusion. "I don't understand."

"When Zeke and his team arrive on the island," Megatron began, "You need someone to spy on them as they are here."

"I could spy on them just fine," Erwin retorted.

"And what happens when you get caught?" Megatron retorted, "It'd be easy for them to find a one-armed male that had previous connections to the Survey Corps. That would cause more problems than it is worth. You need to find someone that they wouldn't suspect."

"Why don't we just tell Hanji or Optimus?" Erwin suggested.

"They'll be working too closely with them," Megatron answered, "Optimus doesn't enjoy using deception and I don't necessarily trust the mad scientist to keep her mouth shut. So I need you to find someone who can track their movements. You have a week to do this."


Erwin sighed to himself. It didn't help that Megatron gave him a limited amount of time. He could find someone in the military like Nile, but it wouldn't be fair to him to drag him and his family down a dark path. Pixis? Maybe. They could discuss plans while playing chess.

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