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Calvi and Zeke could only watch as the mutated titan slammed its head into the wall. It kept doing that when it realized it had no target or human to devour. It kept looking up at them from time to time, almost as if it was contemplating how to get up there, but it only growled in response as it stirred restlessly in the transformation room.

"It's been three days, and we have been unable to stop this creature from moving," Calvi groaned in irritation, "Why haven't you been able to control it?"

"I don't know," Zeke admitted.

Calvi leaned his body and placed his hands on the table in the room high above the titan. "We do need to find a way to kill it."

Zeke thought the situation over. He could ask Matthew for assistance, but even if he knew, it wasn't like Matthew would give it to him unless it benefitted the titan in the long run.

"The scientists haven't been able to discover any new information either," Zeke added, "Other than the fact our weapons don't work on it."

"How long can we keep this in here?" Zeke asked.

"As long as we can," Calvi declared, "We have no way of controlling it. Our best option is to hope this place does not collapse around us."

"Understood," Zeke said. Maybe he could ask about this to Matthew.

If he doesn't kill Magath, that is.



Megatron stared at the mainly empty room, save for the bed and the small cabinet drawer.

"It took us a while to set this up, but this should be enough for your needs," Magath remarked.

"At least I don't have to continue sleeping on Zeke's couch," Megatron proclaimed. Sometimes he pretended to sleep on Zeke's couch at certain times so that the humans would think he's sleeping. Or that he hasn't left the compound. So far he's been doing it for about two months.

"This should make you more cooperative," Magath assumed.

"Nothing you do will make me listen to you," Megatron declared, "All I want is my freedom."

Magath rolled his eyes in response. "When the war's over, you'll get it."

Megatron glanced over to see Magath leaving the room and shutting the door behind him. Megatron sighed and threw the bag on the bed. No window in the room. He actually would have liked that. Megatron then leaned against the wall and sat down on the floor. It's been two months since he's been a part of this stupid military, bidding his time and gathering information. It was extremely tedious.

As far as he was concerned, no one suspected a thing. He doesn't know how long he can keep it this way, but hopefully long enough to sabotage the energon project before it could continue. He needed to find a way to gain access to it without arousing suspicion. Reiner Braun has been avoiding him, which turns out to be a blessing in disguise. He's unsure if the titan shifter is suspicious of him yet, but he won't bother until Reiner chooses to speak with him. The other two were still confined within the research lab.

And then there was Zeke. He was still unsure if he could trust him. He said he wants to free the Eldian people, but...something just felt off. There was nothing Erwin or Kenny could look into at the time. Megatron was the only one gaining any information, and the ship Zeke promised to send was still being processed. They could only lay low for the time being.

Megatron sighed. He wished he could end this mission and just go back to Paradis.

"Megatron," Optimus called through his comm., "You do not have to respond, but I do require you to return to the island. Or...at least Hanji does,"

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