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Summary: Both Marley and Eldia continue to do everything they can to grow in strength and power. As their might grows, comrades on both sides of the isle grow more sympathy to the sufferings of their compatriots.


I've been posting the Autobot Anthology on my Tumblr, and Hanji is officially non-binary in the main AOP timeline and will go by they/them from now on. Because this is honestly something I should have corrected ages ago. For more info on that:

Magath watched the soldiers run away in fear from afar as Annie and Reiner trampled them with quickness and ease. One of the anti-titan cannons fired at Reiner, but the titan shifter didn't even flinch as the shell shattered on contact with his armor. Reiner roared as he grabbed the cannons and threw them at parts of the fortress they were attacking, causing the building to crumble. Meanwhile, Pieck was running faster than anticipated in her titan form with the Panzer Unit on her back, continuously firing at enemy forces. She skidded to a stop while the unit on her back fired at another group of soldiers. They continued to fire while Pieck stomped them out and leveled some of their bunkers.

This was incredible and terrifying. The titans have become significantly more powerful that the new titan weapons the Middle Eastern Alliance were making were practically useless. The way that things were even going right now, they might not even need to send in human soldiers onto the battlefield ever again. Guess those metal titans were a blessing and a curse.

"Commander Magath," his lieutenant spoke, "What about the Beast Titan and the abomination?"

Magath glanced over to see Zeke grabbing the boulder and crushing it in his hands before throwing it at enemy forces, obliterating them all. He had no choice. The titan needed to be tested out.

"Send it in," Magath ordered.

Zeke continued to throw rocks with ease, genuinely feeling so alive. Being in a titan form like this, it felt so powerful. Zeke then heard a loud and familiar chaotic cry and looked to see the energon titan in their lab being released. It ran around chaotically, attacking a group of humans running in fear. The titan chomped down on their bodies and violently tore them to shreds before devouring their remains. The confidence that Zeke had earlier was now gone. He couldn't control it the first time that he saw these creatures, and now-!

Zeke gasped when the mutated titan turned its attention on Pieck and the Panzer Unit. The Panzer Unit began to fire rapidly at the titan as it charged at them, while Pieck was fully ready to run.

"STOP!" Zeke shouted. Zeke was surprised when the titan came to an immediate stop. It glared at the Panzer Unit with ferocity, but it didn't make any move to devour them. Zeke turned to see more cannons being prepped and ready to fire.

"Attack them!" Zeke ordered as he pointed to the group. The group screamed in fear as the titan instantly sprinted towards them and began to devour their forces. A cannon managed to be fired at the titan's head, but the titan instantly regenerated before continuing its task.

Magath watch in horror at the destruction that the titan was causing. Even so, Calvi will be pleased with the results. The titan shifters continued to destroy the enemy base, essentially leaving nothing behind. This battle was theirs. They had won.

High above the clouds, Wheeljack continued to record situation with both the ship and the datapad. The Jackhammer was on autopilot while Wheeljack dangled his pedes over the edge of his ship, holding the datapad in his servos. He whistled in amazement as the Beast Titan practically decimated another group of soldiers while the Armored one got in from of the Female one to protect her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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