Getting Acquainted Part 2

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Megatron looked up at Annie in surprise while Annie glared at him in seething anger. The ex-con had a million thoughts running through his head. What was she doing here? Why was she out? Why did she punch him? Did she recognize him? He had to think fast. Megatron pretended to groan in pain as he held the side of his face. "What the hell is your problem?!"

Megatron saw the anger fade from her eyes, which was replaced by confusion. "What?"

"What do you mean 'what'?!" Megatron continued to shout in his other vernacular, "The hell did you punch me for?!"

"I...," Annie trailed off as Megatron used the staff to help himself stand up, "I thought-,"

"You thought what?!" Megatron demanded, "I get that a lot of people don't like me, but I've never even met you before and you decided to punch me in the face! What the hell did I do to you?!"

Megatron could see a hint of remorse on her face, now knowing that he threw Annie off of his tailpipe for a bit. The ex-con grumbled in response to her actions and stormed off, not wanting to talk to the titan shifter and wanting to talk to Zeke about this predicament.


Arcee was awoken to sounds of chatter and rushing waves coming from outside the storage unit. She transformed into her bipedal mode and began to stretch her arms, taking notice of her surroundings and how cleaned it looks. She supposed that it was nice of the Survey Corps to create a small space for her to rest, even if it was in the storage unit. Arcee walked to the rather large wooden doors of the storage unit and slid them wide open. She was met with the sight of the port alive and active, with the sound of the rushing waves and the smell of the ocean. The humans in the island's military uniform were walking around and doing busy work, only sparing a glance her way before they continued on. Arcee walked away from the storage unit, still rather surprised by the minimum amount of stares that she was receiving. She never really thought that she would be considered a second thought among humans.

"Hello!" someone shouted from one of the buildings.

Arcee nearly pulled out her blaster before she turned and saw Hanji waving at her from a window that reached her height. "Scrap! Don't do that. You almost gave me a spark attack."

"Sorry," Hanji apologized, "How are you? Did you sleep well in the storage unit?"

"It was fine," Arcee answered.

"Not too cramped?" Hanji asked her.

"There was enough space," Arcee replied, "Where is Wheeljack?"

"He hasn't come back yet, so he's probably still at the neutral ship with Optimus," Hanji assumed, "Are you going to go back?"

Arcee turned her helm to the direction of the ship before looking back at Hanji. "Maybe later. I had a few questions that I was hoping you could answer."

Hanji squealed with excitement, causing Arcee to reach up and almost cover her audio receptors.

"Of course!" Hanji exclaimed with a smile, "Oh! Can you answer some of my questions too?! I promise I won't be too invasive! I just have a lot of questions about Cybertron and you and Wheeljack and it's all so exciting!"

"That's too much energy in the morning. Dial it back," Arcee ordered.

"Sorry," Hanji spoke in a hushed tone, "Let me just finish my papers, and I'll come right down."

Hanji ran away from the window, causing Arcee to rub her helm in confusion. This was...going to be weird.


Annie walked into the cafeteria, wanting to grab something to eat. It was nice to finally be able to walk around freely. The scientists kept on experimenting with her body, and didn't really find anything else other than the enhanced abilities. They decided to let her have free reign; they decided to let her go and be with the others. bothered her. When she saw...that man training earlier today, she could've sworn she had seen him before. It was all too familiar, and when she saw him, she felt threatened. That was why she punched him. He got mad and said they never met in the rant, but she was sure she had seen him before.

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