Infiltration Part 1

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Megatron read the train routes and schedules on the billboard before looking ahead to see others boarding the train. He sighed in defeat as he walked over to the attendant accepting tickets. In all his years of being alive, Megatron never thought he would ever be involved in human culture. Not even to the degree his followers were when they were trying to take over Earth. But here he was, pretending to be a human, boarding a primitive method of transportation.

Megatron walked up to the attendant and handed him his ticket. The attendant grimaced as he saw the destination written on the paper.

"Exactly why are you going to a den of devils?" He asked.

"That's not where I want to go," Megatron retorted, "it's a pit stop. Like I'd spend a day next to those bastards."

The attendant seemed to hum in agreement as he punched a hole in his ticket. "You're on the last cart."

Megatron took back his ticket and got on the train, but didn't fail to notice a group of tall guards boarding, protecting what looked like a rich family.

Megatron made his way to the last cart of the train, and noticed that it was entirely empty. Hopefully once the train started, no one would be in here and he could report back to Optimus.

Megatron sat down and put his bag on the table before pulling out the map of Marley he had earlier. He stared at it in irritation before finally figuring out exactly where he was on the map.

If Megatron wanted to infiltrate Marley military, he had to act exactly like a human. Which is why he didn't make direct contact with the military the moment he arrived. It was too reckless of a move. He decided to observe the culture of Marley. Find out about their customs and traditions. If someone noticed something off about his heritage, he could say that he was a traveler with no home, which wasn't that far off.

He observed the humans, he did labor work for certain people in exchange for either money or possession humans no longer needed. That's why he had the backpack and the map on him. He also had to buy a dictionary and read it in order to make sure he didn't say Cybertronian dialogue and phrases by accident.

Megatron rubbed his jaw at the way he's had to communicate. He switched to the simple Kaonian dialect he'd grown accustom to before he became Megatronus. It didn't make him stand out as much and he couldn't make a huge show.

Still, he hated that he has to abandon his vernacular for the sake of the mission. Presentation mattered to him. From the way he walked to the way he spoke. He had to refine it in order to inspire the masses. Now he just felt...incomplete.

Megatron snapped out of his thoughts as he felt the train begin to start moving. Megatron looked around and saw that the cart was empty. He reported his position to Optimus fairly quickly before disconnecting the comm and deciding to take a nap.


Megatron opened his eyes and lifted his head to see the night sky outside his window. He put the map back in his bag before taking out the dictionary and beginning to read and memorize words.

"I always think that you would not stoop to a lower position than where you already are," a voice spoke, "Yet here you are, proving me wrong,"

Megatron lifted his eyes to see Unicron sitting across from him with his arms crossed.

"It's been a while, Unicron," Megatron remarked, "About four months,"

"Yes It has," Unicron agreed, "And yet you are still here on this miserable planet helping out the humans."

"Helping out the humans is nothing more than an incentive," Megatron told Unicron.

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