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'Who is that?' Eren thought before standing up and leaning against a tree.

"Eren, stay behind me!" Optimus ordered.

Eren was about to protest, but Optimus aimed his gun at the Flying Titan. He transformed his other hand and aimed it at the struggling Reiner.

'What's going on?!' Eren questioned as he moved forward.

"That's an order!" Optimus shouted as he noticed Eren moving.

Eren noticed a fearful look in Optimus' eyes. Why was he so scared?

"Impossible," the Flying Titan gasped as Eren looked at him.

The Flying Titan, or Megatron, looked in their direction with eyes equally as wide as Optimus'. But the Flying Titan's attention was directly focused on Optimus.

"You''re alive?" the Flying Titan asked in surprise.

'Wait, they know each other?!' Eren exclaimed.

The three heard a crumbling noise and turned to see Reiner steam coming from his body. He let out a deafening roar, causing Eren to cover his ears and close his eyes. Eren opened his eyes to see Optimus and Megatron completely unaffected by the attempt at challenge.

Megatron looked up to see the muscular titan rip off his hand with the other one, throwing it on the other side of the wall. He didn't know what the frag was going on, but...

He took a deep breath and closed his optics. He knew he was making the right decision.

"Prime!" Megatron called out as he looked at him, ignoring the fact that a gun was pointed at him, "Whatever, the situation is, I'm on your side!"

'They do know each other!' Eren realized.

"Why should I trust you?!" Optimus demanded.

"Because you know you can't do this on your own!" Megatron answered.

Optimus kept glancing back and forth at Megatron and Reiner. One was trying to kidnap Eren, but he was responsible for the near extinction of the human race. The other one may have ended the war, but he destroyed a planet and rage havoc throughout the galaxy! And he probably can't kill Megatron because he lost all of his upgrades.

"Optimus, you have to trust me!" Megatron pleaded.

'I'm running out of time,' Optimus thought. Reiner or Megatron?! Optimus closed his optics. He prayed to Primus he was making the right decision.

Optimus aimed both of his blasters at Reiner and fired at his chest. Reiner roared as the force knocked him to the ground. Optimus then put away his blasters before walking up to Megatron.

"I need you to fight the Colossal Titan!" Optimus instructed as he pointed at Bertholdt.

Megatron nodded his head and was about to fly up there, but Optimus grabbed his arm. Megatron was about to ask what else he wanted, but when stopped when he saw Optimus glaring at him.

"Do not make me regret my decision," Optimus warned ominously.

Megatron widened his optics in surprise as Optimus let go of his arm. He didn't say anything before transforming and flying towards Bertholdt. Optimus turned to see Eren running towards him, but he put his servo in front of him to prevent Eren from coming any closer.

"Eren, you need to leave," Optimus declared, causing Eren to roar in protest.

"Eren, this is not the time for protest!" Optimus yelled, "Reiner and Bertholdt are after you! You need to leave and head for Wall Sina! Go!"

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