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"So you're the infamous Metal Titan," a voice said.

Optimus held a large plaque of wood as he looked behind him to see two policemen on the rooftops across from him.

"Yes," Optimus answered as he set down the wood.

"You don't look as intimidating as people make you out to be," the female one remarked.

"It is simply out of fear that many demonize me," Optimus explained.

"Well you did destroy half the city," the female retorted.

"Hitch," the male warned.

"I apologize for the damage I have caused, but the prisoner was trying to escape, and I had to take action," Optimus explained.

"Well at least you did your job, unlike Annie," the female known as Hitch grumbled.

Optimus slightly widened his optics as he continued searching for survivors. Was Annie part of the Military Police? He couldn't ask anything about her or they might get suspicious of him. He had to remain quiet and see where the conversation would lead.

"Why are you being so hard on her?" the male demanded, "She saw the titans; you didn't."

"Doesn't mean she should skip out!" Hitch retorted, "It's been three days Marlow! Three days!"

'So she was part of the Military Police,' Optimus thought. If she is an enemy to mankind, she might have tried to gain information regarding the Wallist. It may sound crazy, but she did manage to keep her titan shifting powers a secret for three years.

"And stop trying to defend her. You could barely even stand up for yourself with our superiors as they sold our weapons to the black market," Hitch reminded, causing Marlow to feel abashed.

"Why would your superiors sell your weapons?" Optimus asked.

"Because they're a bunch of lazy, manipulating bastards," Hitch answered, before sighing, "but I guess I'm like them too, since I joined the MP. And Marlow don't say anything about changing the Police."

Optimus noticed Marlow slightly scowling as he looked away. "I do not wish to interfere with your military or personal issues, but if you wish to change the acts of the Military Police, you must have a strong ideal and have the strength to move forward with your said ideal."

Marlow looked in shock while Hitch looked with skepticism.

"If you do wish to change the Military Police you must have a strong conviction for it. You cannot simply back down when someone tell you to, or run away like a coward. Others will simply think you are a hypocrite. You must be willing to risk what you have: your life, your family, your friends, your security, in order to make a change," Optimus explained.

"Wow..." Marlow trailed off, "Uh...thanks."

"Well what do you know," Hitch began, "A titan knows more than you."

"Hitch, just stop," Marlow warned.

As the two began to bicker, Optimus looked up at the wall to see a large cover over the hole. He looked up at the top of the wall to see Hanji with Pastor Nick and a few other soldiers with them.

Hanji told him that the reconstruction of the wall would take place at night time, since the titans gained motion through sunlight, but he felt like the citizens would question why there was a cover of the wall.

Speaking of questions, Pastor Nick would no doubt be interrogated. He knew information regarding the wall that could even lead humanity to victory. But there was also the question regarding if Pastor Nick would even discuss the information. He could be loyal to the government, fear for his life, or even be coerced to keep the information secret. Optimus slightly shook his head. He shouldn't think about it. The Survey Corps will interrogate him soon enough.

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