Coup D'état Part 6

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Earlier in the night

Kenny jumped out of the cart before coming face to face with the doors of the church. He then instructed his team to unload the supplies they needed to defend themselves in case the Survey Corps found them. He then watched two of them carry a tied up Eren into the church followed Rod guiding Historia after them.

Kenny looked up at the stars as he began to ponder. If all went right, then he would get the powers of the titan Rod is so desperate for. But he still wondered if it would hold against the two Metal Titans? Would the power to control the titans be enough?

Kenny ordered the lackeys to return the cart to the mansion before going into the chapel and closing the door behind him. Once he realized everything was in the cave, he walked down the stairs and closed the door to the cave.

Even if the powers worked against the Metal Titans, there was also the matter of getting it at the right opportunity, and getting the serum for Rod's bag.

Kenny opened the door to the glowing cavern before continuing his way down the stairs. He noticed something out of the corner of his eye and stopped to get a better look.

It was a crack in the wall of the cave. He then kneeled down and noticed small shards of said cave on the smooth ground. That was odd. This place had a very good structure. Why was there damage? Unless...the Corps found this place.

"Look alive!" Kenny shouted at his squad, "The Corps know about the location. Get ready in case if they attack!"

"Yes sir!" they shouted as they continued getting everything ready.

Kenny picked up one of the shards and stood up. They had to prepare for the danger ahead.

* * *

The cadets and the two MPs sat around a fire while Levi sat in the cart, watching their prisoner. Meanwhile, Nifa was keeping guard to see if anyone would try to find them.

Armin looked around and noticed that Sasha wasn't hissing, or a shadow lingering among the tree, meaning that Megatron wasn't back yet. He didn't know what the former tyrant was thinking, or whether he was scheming to eliminate him without it being traced back to him. It did seem like something Megatron would do. At the same time, Megatron probably didn't believe he would keep his promise about not telling anyone what he knew. If trust didn't come easy to the former warlord, then he had no doubt the titan was suspicious of him.

"Jean, when did you grab people from the Military Police?" Mikasa asked her comrades.

"We grabbed them while you were...out," Jean answered.

"We have names," Hitch grumbled.

"Can we trust you?" Mikasa questioned the two.

Marlow gulped as he noticed Mikasa staring him dead in the eye. " see your side of the story, and I want to help out. To try and make a change in our society."

There was silence amongst the cadets because Connie sighed in irritation.

"You know what, fuck it," Connie proclaimed, "I'm not got to find out later because I'm too much of a chicken to try. Mikasa, Armin, I gotta know: what was working with Megatron like?"

Armin tensed and looked up to see all eyes on him and Mikasa. He glanced over to see even Levi showing a certain amount of interest.

Armin tensed as he began to panic. What was he supposed to say? He knew Megatron's biggest secret and was now put on the spot. He couldn't even come up with a good lie! What was he-?

"He's very angry," Mikasa spoke.

"Angry?" Connie questioned.

"He gets angry very easily," Mikasa explained, "He started ranting in his own language when he was talking to Optimus earlier, and got mad at Armin when he convinced him not to kill Annie."

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