One Year Later

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He remembered talking with the Autobots one last time. He remembered them pleading with him to stay, and let them try to save him, but he refused.

"Keep fighting the noblest of fights,"

He remembered flying into the air before diving into the Well. He remembered the white light and-

Optimus jolted awake from his seated position on the worktable. He looked around and was met with the silence of the neutral ship. The computer was off and the table was full of equipment he needed to try and repair the tracker. It short fused a few days ago, and Optimus had to bring it back to the ship for further inspection.

But he was exhausted. He didn't want to continue working on this.

Optimus pushed the work aside and stood up, deciding to walk over to the control room of the ship. When he got there, he typed some commands on the keyboard. The hologram of outer space flooded the room as Optimus began to search.

This holographic image that he showed Eren wasn't just for display. It was a map of space. He was hoping to find Cybertron, but the navigation system was also chewed through. Communications were barely functional, and without proper coordinates, there was no hope for him to reach Cybertron. But...he still tried. He didn't want to give up. If he could just send a message or an S.O.S, then maybe the island could stand a chance. He could protect them all.

Optimus stopped searching and leaned against the console, hunching his back and gripping the panel. Cybertron...what was happening there? Was everyone there alright? What about the humans on Earth? He had no idea, and he desperately wanted to know.

Optimus pressed the center and the hologram shut down. He didn't have time to think about it today. He had to fix the machine; he had to help Paradis.



Megatron didn't want to be here. He didn't want to train these humans, or clean their barracks, or do this pathetic human nonsense. Oh how the Decepticons would've mocked and belittled him to no end. How the mighty have fallen. They would have reveled in this.

Megatron finished loading the supplies for the next fleet of ships heading to Paradis. They recognized that it was a failure, and are sending more Marleyans to the island to retrieve them, but it didn't matter to him. He just wanted to kill them all. It's not like any of them care about him. They care about Matthew: an idea, a figment of their frail imagination.

Everyone wanted him dead; that was just a fact. He deserved it, no doubt, but it was exhausting to keep playing this lie.

He used to be one of the most powerful beings in the universe. Now he couldn't even join the Allspark or go home. Perhaps pretending to be human was a fitting punishment for him. Megatron looked up at the clear blue sky and sighed to himself.

He still wondered where Cybertron was. He still wanted to know where his home was, so that he wouldn't feel too far from it. But...he could never go there again.

It didn't matter anyway. He deserved it for all he had done.


Hanji noticed that something was off with Optimus. The Commander was going over some reports with him in his alt mode, and he sounded...disconnected. Like he was listening...but not fully paying attention. Hanji did ask if he listened, and he was able to recite it back...but...

Hanji later saw Optimus in his bipedal mode, looking up at the sky, almost with a rather...somber expression on his face. He continued to look up there, almost as if he was...searching. She wanted to confront him, but she was a little nervous to.

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