The Other Side of the Ocean

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Theo Magath took a deep breath in irritation, rubbing his temple and leaning forward on his desk. He tapped his foot in the communications room on the ship that went to Paradis. He found the table less interesting and lifted his eyes to see the three remaining warriors sitting in front of them. He could tell they were still shaken by the Flying Titan destroying the port, but for some reason he could tell that it was more than that.

"So," Magath began, "There are two Metal Titans. They both come from a world far beyond and more advanced than our own."

The three nodded their heads.

"One of them is named 'Optimus Prime'," Magath continued, "But you have no idea what the name of the Flying Titan is,"

"No," Reiner answered, "It never came up in combat."

"I was never able to hear it during a conversation either," Bertholdt admitted before looking down at his hand, "Not after what he did to me."

Magath nodded his head before turning attention to Annie. "What about you? Did you hear his name?"

Annie shook her head. "The only thing that I know is that Optimus gave him the option to leave."

"So they both have a sense of free will," Magath surmised, "And he stole the Jaws Titan?"

Reiner nodded. "He took Marcel. He must've seen him as the weakest titan and took him."

"They also made me tell them about transferring the powers of a titan," Bertholdt added, "So they most likely found a way to feed him to someone else."

Magath took a deep breath and sighed. "This is much more complicated than we anticipated. Once we arrive in Marley, you will explain the situation to the Commanders there. For now, you all must rest. By dawn, we should be back in Marley."

Magath watched as all three of them walked out of the room and below the deck to rest. Magath got up from his chair and walked over to the window, staring out into the ocean. He knew that sending the four of them to the island was a bad idea. Now, Marcel is most likely dead, and the remaining three warriors were completely traumatized by the event. He shouldn't have yelled at them like he did, but he didn't believe the threat was real until he saw it with his own eyes.

Magath curled his hands into a fist. The Flying Titan bowed; it mocked them all by bowing after it destroyed the port! He could only imagine what that thing did to the warriors. And the other titan, he hasn't seen it, but he has no doubt that it is real. The Flying Titan and this 'Optimus Prime' were most likely the most powerful titans in all of existence, and they just happened to fall into the hands of the demons of Paradis Island.

* * *

Reiner saw that Annie was finally able to get some sleep before closing the door to her room. He walked down the hall of the bottom deck of the ship and opened the door to his and Bertholdt's shared room. Reiner sighed as he sat down on his bed, seeing that Bertholdt was across the room with his back faced towards him. Reiner was about to lie down, but stopped when Bertholdt spoke.

"How long are we going to lie about Marcel?" Bertholdt asked.

Reiner hesitated for a moment. "We can't tell the truth about him. We have to take it to our graves."

"We shouldn't have lied about his death," Bertholdt declared.

"And what do you think we should do?" Reiner demanded, "Tell them we lost Marcel before we even reached the wall? They'll have our heads and revoke our power."

"And what happens when they do find out the truth?" Bertholdt shot back. "They'll have our heads and turn everyone we love into titans as punishment."

"The story we made up will check out," Reiner reassured.

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